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Lex program to count words that are less than 10 and greater than 5

Problem: Write a Lex program to count words that are less than 10 and greater than 5.
Lex is a computer program that generates lexical analyzers. Lex reads an input stream specifying the lexical analyzer and outputs source code implementing the lexer in the C programming language.
The commands for executing the lex program are: 

lex abc.l (abc is the file name)
cc lex.yy.c -lfl

Let’s see Lex Program to count words that are less than 10 and greater than 5.

Input: geeksforgeeks hey google test lays
Output: 1 

Below is the implementation:

/*lex code to count words that are less than 10
    - and greater than 5 */
      int len=0, counter=0;
    [a-zA-Z]+ { len=strlen(yytext);
                if(len<10 && len>5)
                  {counter++;} }
    int yywrap (void )
        return 1;
    int main()
      printf("Enter the string:");
      printf("\n %d", counter);
      return 0;



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