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Write an R Program for “Hello Geeks”

Hello, Geeks is the first basic program in any programming language. Let’s write the program in R programming language. All one needs to do is display the message “Hello World” on the screen. Let’s look at the program:

R Program to Print “Hello Geeks” using the print() function:

The following R program displays “Hello Geeks” in the output.

This code declares a variable containing a message and then prints that message using the “print()” function in R.

# Print "Hello Geeks" message
message <-"Hello Geeks"


[1] "Hello Geeks"

Printing “Hello Geeks” using cat() function:

The following R program displays “Hello Geeks” in the output.

# Print "Hello Geeks" message
message <-"Hello Geeks"


[1] "Hello Geeks"

R Program to Print “Hello Geeks” using message() function:

message("Hello Geeks")


Hello Geeks

R Program to Print “Hello Geeks” using the sprintf() function:

name <- "Hello Geeks"
sprintf( name)


[1] "Hello Geeks"

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