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R Program to Count the Number of Vowels in a String

In this article, we will discuss how to Count the Number of Vowels in a String with its working example in the R Programming Language. It is a fundamental in programming that allows us to repeatedly execute a block of code as long as a specified condition remains true. It’s often used for tasks like iterating over elements in a data structure, such as printing the elements of a vector. Vowels are the letters ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’, and ‘u’. We have to count no. of vowels in a string where a sample string is given.


You should have the following in place before using the R programme to count the number of vowels in a string:



countVowels <- function(input_string) {
vowels <- c("a", "e", "i", "o", "u")
count <- 0

for (char in strsplit(input_string, "")[[1]]) {
if (char %in% vowels) {
count <- count + 1


Example 1:


countVowels <- function(input_string) {
  vowels <- c("a", "e", "i", "o", "u")
  count <- 0
  for (char in strsplit(input_string, "")[[1]]) {
    if (char %in% vowels) {
      count <- count + 1

input_string <- "Hello Geeks"
result <- countVowels(input_string)
print(paste("Number of vowels:", result))


[1] "Number of vowels: 4"

Example 2:


countVowels <- function(input_string) {
  vowels <- c("a", "e", "i", "o", "u")
  count <- 0
  for (char in strsplit(input_string, "")[[1]]) {
    if (char %in% vowels) {
      count <- count + 1

input_string <- "This is my sample string"
result <- countVowels(input_string)
print(paste("Number of vowels:", result))


[1] "Number of vowels: 5"

Example 3:


count_vowels <- function(input_string) {
  vowel_count <- nchar(gsub("[^aeiouAEIOU]", "", input_string))

input_string <- "This is my sample string"
vowel_count <- count_vowels(input_string)
cat("Number of vowels:", vowel_count, "\n")
Number of vowels: 5 

Example 4:



count_vowels <- function(input_string) {
  vowel_count <- str_count(input_string, "[aeiouAEIOU]")

input_string <- "This is my sample string"
vowel_count <- count_vowels(input_string)
cat("Number of vowels:", vowel_count, "\n")


Number of vowels: 5


In summary, this article has presented a variety of R programming techniques for counting the amount of vowels in a string. Here, vowel counting is discussed using a variety of methods. Vowel counting is a fundamental programming task.

– The code initialises a vector called “vowels” with the vowel characters “a,” “e,” “i,” “o,” and “u,” as well as a count variable that is set to 0.

– The input string is broken up into its component characters, then iterated through.

– The code determines whether a vowel is present in each character and increases the count accordingly.

– The last count is given back

– The adjusted string is then used to run ‘nchar()’ to determine the vowel count.

– The function directly returns the total number of vowels.

These techniques offer versatility and effectiveness for counting vowels in a string, accommodating various tastes and needs of R programmers. One can select the best strategy for their own needs based on the situation and task’s intricacy.

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