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When Construct in LISP

In this article, we will discuss the when construct. The when is a decision-making statement used to specify the decisions. It is similar to conditional statements.


(when (condition) (statements) )


  1. condition is a test statement used to test
  2. statements are the actions that will depend on the condition

Example 1: LISP Program to check the number is equal to 50 or not

;set number to 50
(setq number 50)
;condition check the given number is equal to 50 
(when (= number 50)
  (format t "Equal to 50")


Equal to 50

Example 2: LISP Program to check the given number with comparison operators

;set number to 50
(setq number 50)
;condition check the given number is equal to 50 
(when (= number 50)
  (format t "Equal to 50")
;set number to 150
(setq number 150)
;condition check the given number is greater than or equal to 50 
(when (>= number 50)
  (format t "greater than or Equal to 50")
   ;set number to 10
(setq number 10)
;condition check the given number is less than or equal to 50 
(when (<= number 50)
  (format t "less than or Equal to 50")


Equal to 50
greater than or Equal to 50
less than or Equal to 50

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