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Dolist Construct in LISP

DoList in Common LISP is a looping statement used to iterate the elements in a list.


(dolist input_list)


Example 1: LISP Program to iterate the list of elements from 1 to 5.

;create a dolist of 1 to 5 elements in  a list
(dolist (n '(1 2 3 4 5 ))
;iterate elements
   (format t "~% List of elements: ~d " n)




List of elements: 1  
List of elements: 2  
List of elements: 3  
List of elements: 4  
List of elements: 5 


Example 2: LISP Program to find the square of each element by iteration.


;create a dolist of 1 to 5 elements in  a list
(dolist (n '(1 2 3 4 5 ))
  ;iterate elements to print each element
  (format t "~% Element's value: ~d " n)
  ;iterate elements to find square of each element
  (format t "~% Square of element: ~d " (* n n))



 Element's value: 1 
 Square of element: 1 

 Element's value: 2 
 Square of element: 4 

 Element's value: 3 
 Square of element: 9 

 Element's value: 4 
 Square of element: 16 

 Element's value: 5 
 Square of element: 25 


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