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What is the use of id attribute in HTML ?

The “id” attribute in HTML is used to uniquely identify an element within a web page. This attribute assigns a specific identifier to an HTML element, allowing developers to target it precisely for styling with CSS or manipulating it with JavaScript. Each “id” value must be unique within the HTML document to ensure proper functionality and avoid conflicts.


<tagname id="unique_identifier">Content</tagname>

The table below illustrates the Key Points on the use of the id attribute alongside their descriptions.

Key Point Description
Uniqueness The value assigned to the “id” attribute must be unique within the HTML document to avoid conflicts.
Case Sensitivity “id” values are case-sensitive, meaning “myElement” and “myelement” are considered different identifiers.
Naming Conventions It’s recommended to use descriptive and meaningful names for “id” attributes to enhance code readability and maintenance.


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