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What Is the Difference Between Fine-Tuning and Transfer-Learning?

Answer: Fine-tuning adapts a pre-trained model on a specific task with modest changes, while transfer learning employs knowledge gained from a pre-trained model to enhance performance on a different but related task.

Fine Tuning vs Transfer Learning: Comparison

Aspect Fine-Tuning Transfer Learning
Objective Adapt pre-trained model to a specific new task Leverage knowledge from a pre-trained model to enhance performance on a related task
Training Approach Train the entire model with new data Often freeze some layers of pre-trained model and train specific layers on the new task
Data Requirement Typically requires more data specific to the new task Can be effective with smaller datasets due to leveraging pre-trained knowledge
Use Case When task-specific data is available and computational resources allow full retraining When limited labeled data or computational resources are available, and tasks share similarities
Complexity More complex as it involves retraining the entire model Less complex as it often involves freezing some layers and training only specific layers
Example Fine-tuning BERT for sentiment analysis on a new dataset Using a pre-trained ImageNet model to improve image classification on a new dataset

In summary, while fine-tuning involves adapting a pre-trained model to a new task with additional training, transfer learning utilizes knowledge from a pre-trained model to enhance performance on a related task, often with fewer training data or computational resources.

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