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What is Shingled Magnetic Recording (SMR)?

Shingled magnetic recording (SMR) is a hard disc drive (HDDs) that constitutes this magnetic storage data recording technique to boost storage density and total drive storage capacity. By adding to the total number of shingles that may be laid on a roof, overlapping shingles help to keep the structure waterproof and weatherproof.

What is Shingled Magnetic Recording (SMR)?

Shingled magnetic recording (SMR) is a procedure for writing information to a hard disc drive (HDD). The overall storage capacity per disc and the area density are enhanced by partially overlapping data tracks. The word “shingle” refers to the way that SMR HDDs are mounted on roofs, where some shingles overlap one another. Overlapping shingles augment the total amount of shingles that may be installed on a roof, keeping the building weathertight and watertight.

Working of Shingled Magnetic Recording(SMR)

Difference Between Shingled Magnetic Recording and Conventional Magnetic Recording

Shingled Magnetic Recording

Conventional Magnetic Recording

Shingled magnetic recording (SMR) is a process of writing data to a hard disc drive

CMR positions a magnetic element’s poles perpendicular to the disk’s surface.

Higher data densities are achieved by allowing tracks to overlap in Shingled Magnetic Recording (SMR).

Data is written on a hard disc using conventional magnetic recording (CMR) drives in non-overlapping tracks.

Slower read and write times compared to CMR

Faster read and write times compared to SMR

SMR drives are cheaper than CMR hard drives.

CMR hard drives are costly than Shingled Magnetic Recording hard drives.

Advantages of Shingled Magnetic Recording

Disadvantages of Shingled Magnetic Recording


In conclusion, The word “shingle” refers to the way that SMR HDDs are mounted on roofs, where some shingles overlap one another. Higher data densities are achieved by allowing tracks to overlap in Shingled Magnetic Recording (SMR).

Frequently Asked Questions on Shingled Magnetic Recording (SMR) – FAQs

How does Shingled Magnetic Recording work?

SMR incorporates snippets of the previously composed tune into every subsequent one but slower write and read speeds than CMR drives.

What is the advantage of Shingled Magnetic Recording?

The data-storing magnetic tracks of SMR discs overlap. This can occasionally imply that data is overwritten on the hard disc during operation.

What is the write speed of SMR drives?

Using CrystalDiskMark for sequential write tests, 162 MB/s was reported.

What are SMR drives good for?

Archival storage, where data is written seldom and accessed frequently, is where shingled magnetic recording (SMR) hard drives are commonly utilize.

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