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What is CSS Variable ?

CSS variables, also known as Custom Properties, allow you to define reusable values in CSS. They provide a way to store values in variables and use them throughout your stylesheets. CSS variables start with -- and are case-sensitive.


/* Declaring a CSS variable */
:root {
--main-color: #3498db;

/* Using the CSS variable in styles */
.element {
color: var(--main-color);

How to Use CSS Variables:

Declaration: Declare variables inside a selector, often within :root to make them global.

:root {
--main-color: #3498db;
--font-size: 16px;

Usage: Use the var() function to reference the variable wherever you want to use its value.

.element {
color: var(--main-color);
font-size: var(--font-size);

Fallback Values: You can provide fallback values if the variable is not defined.

.element {
color: var(--main-color, #3498db);
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