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What is Chatting? – Definition, Types, Platforms, Risks

Internet nowadays is very common and available to all at cheap rates and can be used as a good means of communication. Using the internet we can make text conversations with anyone. Send your message to anyone and will get a reply, it’s known as instant messaging. You can talk over the internet with anyone, which is known as voice chatting, and even with the help of a webcam, we can also have video calls or video chatting.

Chatting refers to the kind of communication done with the help of the internet which present live transmission of text messages from sender to receiver. Online chatting can be termed as the point-to-point, one sender-to-one receiver, or one sender-to-many receiver. It also features voice, video, and also web conferencing services. Chatting can be done as a chat-based as well as video-based (using webcams). Chatting nowadays has evolved uniquely. In today’s world, we have a lot of applications and websites which are widely used across the world. Chatting over the internet has made it a lot easier to have a conversation with anyone. People from any corner of the world are now able to contact the person on the other edge.

Following are the most common type of chatting: 

Chat Room

A chat room is a part of an online service where users can have conversations with each other through the internet. It can also be termed a virtual room. First users need to register to the server after registration users can log in with the help of a username and password. In the chat room, users are allowed to have conversations in multiple mediums such as text voice, or even video calls. Transmission of multimedia ( images, videos, etc.) can also be done in the chat room.

Chat Etiquette

Following are some chat etiquette that we should follow while chatting:

Chatting Platforms

Nowadays there are many chatting platforms available for users. Some of them are mentioned below:

Risk from Chatting

Chatting also has some risks which one should be aware of:

How Chat Safely?

While chatting keep the following points in mind for safely chat:

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