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What is Automated Regression Testing? | Importance, Required Tools and Best practices

Regression testing is done when some changes occur in the software. These changes may be due to some new features or some bug fixes. Even after adding this new feature or fixing a bug in one part, developers may not know the impact on other parts of the affected system, which may break existing work. After code changes, testers must re-evaluate the performance of all products to prevent disruptions or new infections. Otherwise, these errors will go unnoticed and still cause defects. In this article, we will learn about automated regression testing, its needs, and required tools.

We will also understand how to automate regression testing and its best practices.

What is Automated Regression Testing?

Automated regression testing is a software testing process that ensures that applications continue to work properly after being updated with new code, improvements, or features. When performing automatic regression analysis, a preliminary study is usually carried out on software testing models, testing strategies, and changes to the product and its functionality. Automated regression testing involves several tasks, including system checks, performance testing, and fault analysis checking, to ensure that software compiles correctly after an update.

Importance of Automated Regression Testing

In this section, let’s understand why automatic regression testing is needed.

  1. Repeatability: In strict agile projects, regression tests need to be done in a highly repeatable way. If done manually, the testing process may take a lot of time as the test data increases. However, automated tests can help cover these costs and will be more efficient, even if they have to be done every day.
  2. No Human Intervention Required: When the meeting is automated, no human intervention is required at runtime. You can schedule them or execute them as needed and return the results when finished.
  3. Shorter Turnaround Time: As the number of test cases increases, manual measurement cannot keep up with automatic measurement. Automated tests can be faster and approve new versions in a matter of hours while manual tests may take days to complete.
  4. Efficacy: People often make mistakes when repeating old tasks but automated testing is free from errors.
  5. Improve Testing Coverage: As your tests can be reused through automated test iterations, testers can create more efficient tests. With development testing, your AppDev team is more likely to find suspicious bugs caused by code updates. In addition to technical testing, your testers are given plenty of time for manual searches.
  6. Rapid Application Development: Agile software development is essential for many organizations, but rapid development means little if the application is riddled with bugs. For this method to work, you need a combination of rapid deployment and good execution. Automated regression testing run through test suits as soon as new feature released.

Tools For Automated Regression Testing

  1. Selenium: It is an ,open-source project that provides many tools and libraries to support browser automation. PHP, Java, Ruby, C++, JS etc. It supports many languages ​​such as Maven, Ant etc. It can be easily integrated with popular frameworks.
  2. Appium: It is an Node.js-basedis ,a open-source tool for running automation scripts to test native, mobile web and hybrid applications on Android or iOS using web drivers. Appium is available in two versions. The first is a Node.js based tool while the second is a desktop tool. But both are used for regression test automation.
  3. REST Assured: It is a framework for REST service authentication in Java and using Java libraries. In Rest Assured, Java libraries act as headless agents for secure web services and can verify HTTP responses from the server. This tool helps improve the quality and safety of testing.
  4. TestNG: It is inspired by JUnit and NUnit. TestNG is designed to cover many test suites which can be unit, functional, integrated and end-to-end, with easy-to-use features.
  5. Jenkins: It is an open source automation server. It helps automate parts of software development related to building, testing, and deployment. Jenkins makes integration and continuous deployment easy.
  6. BrowserStack: BrowserStack is a cloud-based web and mobile web benchmarking tool that compares websites and mobile applications across expected browsers, functions and features, versus actual mobile usage.
  7. Maven: It is a widely used automation tool for Java projects. It can also handle scripts written in C#, Ruby, Scala and other languages.

How to Automate Regression Testing?

1. Understand the Needs: This is the most important step, you must understand what kind of evaluation that is required for our products, whether it is front end, back end or both.

2. Select the Testing Tool: After defining the requirements, you can choose the most suitable tool to achieve the same. Choosing the right regression testing tool is an important step in automating regression testing. Popular testing software such as Selenium, JUnit and TestNG have made a huge impact in this field. This tool not only helps with testing but also integrates well into CI/CD pipelines.

3. Check the Conditions under which it should work: The next step is to find the list of conditions under which it should work as P0 or P1. Once you’re done, you can continue adding P2 and the rest of the site. Regression test selection requires a significance test based on certain criteria such as:

4. Automated Test Cases: The next step is to start automating the test case using the design. Follow the steps:

5. Completing Automation Testing: Once the automation is finished, we need to run them locally to see if there are any errors. Incorrect errors can cause unnecessary alarms. Therefore, they should be treated early in the development process. Repeatable testing can be time-consuming, but multiple repeatable tests and parallel testing can speed up the process.

6. Prepare the Regression Package: Once the cases become sufficiently automated and stable, you should start adding them to the regression package. You can sort your suits into categories like Smoke, Regression and more.

7. Reporting: Once a case is automated and added to the regression or smoking suite, you need to engage in a reporting process that will help report the results once completed. Analyzing test results is important for determining application quality, identifying areas for improvement, and planning future tests.

8. Run the testing suite with a single CI/CD tool: After completing the above steps in one go, you can select the appropriate CI/CD tool and You can schedule these packages to run daily or whenever a new version is introduced to the QA environment.

Why use Automated Regression Testing?

Difference between Regression Testing and Retesting


Regression Testing



Regression testing is used to ensure that software updates do not adversely affect the software.

Retesting is used to ensure that previously failed tests are corrected.

Defect verification

Defect verification are not performed instead it ensure that modifications do not cause any problem in software

Defect verification are performed to check the failed test cases.

Type of test cases

Only tests cases that pass the first phase of testing will be subject to regression testing.

Only tests that fails the first phase testing will be subject to retesting.


Regression testing controls the possibility of some undesirable errors.

Original problem can be resolved with retesting

Mode of completion

It is completed in manual or automatic mode

It is completed manual mode

What are the Best Practices for Automated Regression Testing?

Let’s take a look at some of the best practices you should follow to make our tests stronger and help us in the long run.

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Automated regression testing is a process to ensure that new software updates do not impact the functionality of existing software applications. In addition to saving time, automatic test recovery also provides a detailed and in-depth description of failed tests that need to be fixed.

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