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Automation Testing – Software Testing

Automated Testing is a technique where the Tester writes scripts on their own and uses suitable Software or Automation Tool to test the software. It is an Automation Process of a Manual Process. It allows for executing repetitive tasks without the intervention of a Manual Tester.

Why Transform From Manual Testing to Automated Testing

In 1994, an aircraft completing its routine flight crashed just before landing. This was due to a bug or defect in their software. The testers didn’t even care about the final testing, so this accident happened. In such high-priority cases, accurate automation testing becomes critical to replace a few manual tests. Automation testing tools like BrowserStack can help teams thoroughly test and speed up the execution time of test suites.  Below are some of the reasons for using automation testing:

Difference Between Manual Testing vs Automated Testing

Below are some of the differences between manual testing and automated testing:

Parameters Manual Testing Automated Testing
Reliability Manual testing is not accurate at all times due to human error, thus it is less reliable.  Since it is performed by third-party tools and/or scripts, therefore it is more reliable.
Investment Heavy investment in human resources. Investment in tools rather than human resources.
Time efficiency Manual testing is time-consuming due to human intervention where test cases are generated manually.  Automation testing is time-saving as due to the use of the tools the execution is faster in comparison to manual testing. 
Programming knowledge There is no need to have programming knowledge to write the test cases. It is important to have programming knowledge to write test cases. 
Regression testing There is a possibility that the test cases executed the first time will not be able to catch the regression bugs due to the frequently changing requirements.  When there are changes in the code, regression testing is done to catch the bugs due to changes in the code.

Automation Testing Types

Below are the different types of automation testing:

Test Automation Frameworks

Some of the most common types of automation frameworks are:

Which Tests to Automate?

Below are some of the parameters to decide which tests to automate:

Automation Testing Process

  1. Test Tool Selection: There will be some criteria for the Selection of the tool. The majority of the criteria include: Do we have skilled resources to allocate for automation tasks, Budget constraints, and Do the tool satisfies our needs?
  2. Define Scope of Automation: This includes a few basic points such as the Framework should support Automation Scripts, Less Maintenance must be there, High Return on Investment, Not many complex Test Cases
  3. Planning, Design, and Development: For this, we need to Install particular frameworks or libraries, and start designing and developing the test cases such as NUnit, JUnit, QUnit, or required Software Automation Tools
  4. Test Execution: Final Execution of test cases will take place in this phase and it depends on Language to Language for .NET, we’ll be using NUnit, for Java, we’ll be using JUnit, for JavaScript, we’ll be using QUnit or Jasmine, etc.
  5. Maintenance: Creation of Reports generated after Tests and that should be documented to refer to that in the future for the next iterations.

Criteria to Select Automation Tool

Following are some of the criteria for selecting the automation tool:

Best Practices for Test Automation

Below are some of the best practices for test automation that can be followed:

Advantages of Automation Testing

Disadvantages of Automation Testing


Well automated testing for software is a standard software development procedure. Here in this article we have explained what is automated testing and why it is better then manual testing along with pros and cons of the automated testing.

FAQs of Automated Testing

Q.1 What do you mean by Automated Testing?

Ans: Automated software testing is a process that utilizes software tools to execute test cases automatically. This method replaces the need for manual testing, which can be time-consuming, inconsistent, and prone to human error.

Q.2 What is autonomous software testing?

Ans: Autonomous software testing is an emerging approach that takes automated testing to the next level. It leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to create, execute, and manage test cases without human intervention.

Q.3 What do automation testers do?

Ans: Automation testers are responsible for using automated tools and frameworks to test software applications. They play a crucial role in ensuring the quality and functionality of software before it is released to users.

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