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What is a Light Pen?

A light pen is a type of pointing input device that detects light and is frequently used to select or alter text or data on a screen. These devices, when used with a CRT (cathode ray tube) monitor, were an early method of highlighting and modifying data on the screen.

What is a Light Pen?

A light pen is a computer input device. It works just like a mouse and It’s a pointing device that can help us to touch any icon on the screen and open it. It’s connected to the monitor. It has a tip with light which helps to detect the location of the pen on the screen. A light pen is used to draw lines or images on the screen and edit text. Light pens do not generate any light, instead, they contain photocells to detect the presence of light. When is detected from the screen enabling the computer to identify the location of the pen on the screen. It basically works as Enter and OK. As well as we can call it an electronic pen. It was invented by BEN GURLY in 1959 with the idea of a mouse.

Characteristics of the light pen:

Light Pen

History of Light Pen

A light pen was made in 1955 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where the “Whirlwind” was a part of the project then its prototype was ready in America in 1950. Its complete credit goes to Ben Gurly. He looked after the mouse and then he got the idea of making a light pen. It is known as a light gun as well. At the 1960s, the light pen was presented for text-only terminals and then IBM 2250 became on graphics terminals. Its usage was expanded in music workstations in 1980.

Uses of Light Pen

A light pen is a flexible tool that can work in many of the applications. Such as-

Types of Light Pen

Advantages of Light Pen

Disadvantages of Light Pen

FAQs on Light Pen

Q.1: Can a Light Pen written on paper?


This device looks same as a pen but it is not used to write on a paper. It is an electronic pen. light pen can only be used to write on a screen.

Q.2: How pointer device can be helpful in Graphic design?


It is widely used in graphical representation to draw directly on the screen with the help of a pointer device.

Q.3: From where does the cord join and in which type of pens it is located?


It’s the oldest light pen that cord is joined with the back side of the pen and it is located in a corded light pens.

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