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What Does IP Route Mean?

Answer: IP (Internet Protocol) route is defined as a default route. Default route means when no address is stored in the memory, and when the program needs to execute the next instruction, then this default address is used.

Default address is also known as a placeholder address, and it means the IP address that is connected to this network, when no address is present, or the server is simply unable to connect to the memory program. The IP route sends packets to the program when the destination is unknown. It is the default route for each memory program execution. For eg. If the internet service provider is using the IP Address:, then the default address of this IP Address will be indicated by

In simpler words, IP route of is the default route used to configure the gateway of the last resort. This means that if the last resort was empty, the default address will be used to pass on the address to further packets of data.


Thus, we conclude that the IP Route is helpful when the address is not specified for the next instruction, or data packet that needs to be sent. Then the default address is put into the data packet. Apart from this, every internet service provider has a default address, and that is

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