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Web Parameter Tampering Attack on Web Servers

Parameter tampering is a form of web-based cyber attack where specific URL parameters are changed without the user’s knowledge. In some cases, data entered by a user into a form field on a webpage may be modified without the user’s permission. The browser may be directed to a link, page, or site that the user did not intend to visit.

The Web Parameter Tampering attack is based on manipulating parameters exchanged between client and server in order to alter application data, such as user credentials and permissions, product price and quantity, and so on. This data is typically stored in cookies, concealed form fields, or URL Query Strings and is used to enhance application functionality and control.

This attack can be carried out by a malicious user looking to exploit the application for personal gain, or by an attacker looking to attack a third party using a Man-in-the-middle attack. Webscarab and Paros proxy are commonly used in both cases.



The effect of parameter tampering is determined by the type of parameter manipulated.

Examples of Parameter Tampering:

<input type=”hidden” 
id=”1008” name=”cost” 

In this case, an attacker can change the “value” information of a specific item to reduce its cost.


When applications are developed without properly validating the characters that will be accepted by the web application, parameter tampering is especially common. Fortunately, such attacks can be avoided by using secure programming techniques to ensure that only expected data is accepted by the web application. Malicious actors will be unable to extract information from a database or execute arbitrary commands at the operating system level if the application cannot accept manipulated parameters.

The process of manipulation with URL parameters in order to retrieve information that would in other ways be unavailable to the user is known as parameter tampering. The risks of exploitation vary depending on the parameter being modified and how it is published to the web application server. Parameter manipulation attacks can be used to accomplish a variety of goals, including file disclosure above the web root, information extraction from a database, and execution of arbitrary operating-system level commands. Adopting secure programming strategies to ensure that only expected data is recognized by an application is one of the recommendations.

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