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What is a Permanent DoS (PDoS) Attack?

In today’s modern world, we often come across the term Cybercrime or Cyberattacks very frequently. With the increasing demand for the internet, cybercrime occurrence has taken a great spike. Cyber crimes are crimes involving cyber technology/computer networks. Cyberattacks are extremely dangerous as they involve stealing confidential user information and breaching the individual privacy of users. Users of computer technology become victims of cyber crimes knowingly or unknowingly when their systems are attacked. The intentions of cyberattackers in some cases behind the cyber crimes may include causing loss of data or asking ransom amount in exchange for the stolen data from the user’s account.

Cybercrime is a very dangerous crime and is considered to be punishable by law. The stealing of data may be due to many reasons including personal, professional, economic, or political. Cyberattackers are considered criminals and their act of stealing user data can lead them behind the bars.

Here, in this article, we will discuss one very dangerous type of cybercrime- PDoS (Permanent Denial of Service) which is slowly gaining popularity among cyber hackers for executing their malicious intention of stealing information.

Permanent Denial of Service:

What Makes PDoS (Permanent Denial of Service) Cyberattacks Risky?

Below are the reasons which make the ‘Permanent Denial of Service’ cyberattack very risky :

Methods to Prevent PDoS (Permanent Denial of Service) Cyber attacks:

Below are some methods to prevent Permanent Denial of Service :

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