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Web API Mutation Observer

Mutation Observer is a web API (web APIs are APIs provided by the browser itself) that is used to observe (i.e.; detect) the changes of the target HTML element within a web page. For example, when the user wants to know which element has recently been removed and which element has been added to the DOM, we can use Mutation Observer. In dynamic websites, we know that elements are added, removed, or modified dynamically, this API serves as a tool for tracking and reacting to these changes. In this article, we will see the Mutation Observer in the Web API, along with understanding its benefits, use cases, instance methods, & etc.


// Create observer API instance
observer=new MutationObserver( intersectionCallback, config );

// Define intersectionCallback() function to
// do operations when mutation happens.
function intersectionCallback( entries, observer )

// Call observe() method to observe the target HTML element.
observer.observe( targetElement );

Benefits of Observer API

Now we know why mutation observer is a more convenient way of observing mutations in the DOM elements, let’s know about its use cases before diving deeper into real-world examples of detecting a DOM mutation.

Use cases of Observeation API

Instance Methods

Some possible approaches to use Mutation Observer API are:

Detecting style change in target HTML element

We have a single <div> element (our target ). Initially, the color of this <div> is red, then we are going to change its color from red to blue and then blue to green in the intervals of 4 sec and 6 sec. So our objective is to detect the moment when mutation of colors happens using mutation observer API.

Example: First we will change the color of the target within the specified interval using the SetTimeout() function. Now to detect the change, we will use attributes and attributeFilter property of the config option object because we are only changing the color property of the style of the target element.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        MutationObserver Example
        #colorDiv {
            width: 100px;
            height: 100px;
            /* Giving red color initially to the box */
            background-color: red;
    <!-- Created a box having red color initially -->
    <div id="colorDiv"></div>
        function mutationCallback(entries, observer) {
            const mutation = entries[0];
            if (mutation.type === 'attributes'
                && mutation.attributeName === 'style') {
                const colorDiv = document
                const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(colorDiv);
                const currentColor = computedStyle.backgroundColor;
                console.log('Color changed to:', currentColor);
        // Create a mutation observer object
        const observer = 
              new MutationObserver(mutationCallback);
        // Start observing the target 
       // node for attribute changes
        const config = {
            attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['style']
        observer.observe(colorDiv, config);
        // Simulate changing the color after 3 seconds
        setTimeout(() => {
                .backgroundColor = 'blue';
        }, 4000);
        setTimeout(() => {
                .backgroundColor = 'black';
        }, 6000);

Explanation: Initially the color was red. After 4 sec, it changed from red to blue, and then after 2 more seconds, changed to green. MutationObserver API is fully able to detect the changes successfully and print color values onto the console.


Color change detection using Mutation Observer API

Observe Input changes in the Given Paragraph

We are given an editable paragraph text. When we add a new line to the text paragraph and hit ENTER, then our program should detect this mutation of adding a new line in the given paragraph and should log the changed paragraph on the console. Detection of the first line of a given paragraph is not required.

Example: we will detect only the changes made directly to the target element (i.e.; paragraph ). If the change is in childList==true, then check when the user is going to hit ENTER (i.e.; line break ). If a line break is found, it means the user has completed adding the data into the current line and entered into a new line. so now we can update our current paragraph data and log the same on the console.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        MutationObserver Example
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <!-- This <p> element is editable -->
    <p contenteditable oninput="">
        Change this text & look at the
        console after pressing ENTER
        // Selecting the target element 
        let target = document.querySelector('p');
        let observer = new MutationObserver(
            function (mutations) {
                // As we have to observe only a single element , 
                // so taking mutations[0] into mutation 
                mutation = mutations[0];
                // When mutation type is childlist then we 
                // will be checking for line break
                if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
                    let target_values = [].slice
                        .map(function (node) {
                            return node.innerHTML
                        .filter(function (s) {
                            // When user has hit ENTER, then this
                            // condition is going to hold true 
                            if (s === '<br>')
                                return false;
                            return true;
                    // Logging the updated target list 
                    // stored inside target_values 
        //  Taking only childlist in config parameter 
        let config = {
            childList: true,
        // Calling observe() method using observer instance 
        // this trigger observing mutation of the target element 
        observer.observe(target, config);


Detecting paragraph mutation using API

Javascript provides some other observer APIs like Intersection Observer, Resize Observer, etc. Each observer API has different use cases and is introduced to provide some kind of optimizations over the traditional way of observing DOM elements.

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