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WarDriving – Introduction

Wireless Networks have brought a lot of convenience to our lives, allowing us to work or surf from almost anywhere- home, theaters, airports, hotels around the globe. Unfortunately, wireless networks have also brought convenience to hackers as it gives the opportunity to capture all data that we type in our computers or any connected devices through the air, and they can even gain control of them. We call this act of cruising for unsecured wireless networks “War Driving”

What is War Driving?

War Driving originated from wardialing, a method popularized from the movie WarGames and named after that film. Term War Driving was coined by Computer Security Consultant Peter Shipley. Wardialing involves dialling every phone number in a specific sequence in search of modems. WarDriving, knew as Access Point Mapping, is the act of searching WiFi wireless networks usually in a moving vehicle using a smartphone or laptop. 
Wardrivers who are successful in gaining access to your network may be interested in stealing your credentials, banking information, or any other sensitive information. They may simply use the entry into your network to install the malware that can use your device for purposes that are not under your control. 

Hardware and Software Tools for WarDriving

All hardware and software components that are used while wardriving are collectively known as Rig. There is no hard and fast rule regarding what types of devices or software are used by your friendly wardriver neighbor. But in order to perform successful Wi-Fi driving, you need to use some specialized hardware and software. Let’s take a look at some tools: 

1. Hardware Tools for WarDriving: 

There are several hardware tools are required to perform Wardriving.

2. Software Tools for Wardriving:

The primary piece of software which will be used in wardriving is an application that will be used to crack the passwords of WEP and WPA encrypted networks. There is another category of applications that are used to generate maps of the network neighborhood. There are many such software applications are available for use depending upon the operating system you prefer. This certainly not an exhaustive list of all software applications that can be used to hack a Wi-Fi network, but it will definitely give you an idea of the types of tools that are available.

Here are a few popular applications that are used by wardrivers: 

Applications for generating maps:

These are the websites that are used to generate the map of network neighborhoods based on the data uploaded to the website. 

Tools for cracking WEP and WPA Keys: 

Here is the list of few popular tools: 

Protecting your network from Wardrivers

The overriding factor that makes a wireless network attractive to a wardriver is the lack of adequate security. A network that is securely protected will be impervious to these types of attacks or at least it will be difficult to access that the attackers will find another, more easily compromised target. 

These are the best practices that can help you to secure your network from any type of unauthorized attacks. Encryption should be the topmost priority, it is the first line of defense. Secure your networks and devices using the highest level of encryption available on your router and device being used. 

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