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VISA Inc. Interview Experience On-Campus

The whole process had a total of 4 rounds. One Coding round and 3 interview rounds(2 technical + 1 HR).

1st Round

This was a coding round hosted on the Hackerrank platform held in the CCC lab. A total of 3 questions were to be solved in a span of 90 minutes. In my case, the questions were on the topics

2nd Round

Firstly, I was asked to introduce myself and then about my primary language in DSA (C++) and web development (JavaScript).

P.S- No DSA question was asked 🙁

3rd Round

I was asked to introduce myself.

I Was Grinded on theory concepts (SDLC, OS, DBMS) for a long time. Some questions(that I remember) were-

He gave me 2 puzzles to solve-

P.S- Again no DSA question asked 🙁

4th Round

In this round, the interviewer was a highly experienced individual. He is a VP of some department(I forgot). I was asked to introduce myself.

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