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unordered_multimap and its application

Allows Duplicates: 
We have discussed unordered_map in our previous post, but there is a limitation, we can not store duplicates in unordered_map, that is if we have a key-value pair already in our unordered_multimap and another pair is inserted, then both will be there whereas in case of unordered_map the previous value corresponding to the key is updated by the new value that is only would be there. Even can exist in unordered_multimap twice.

Internal Representation: 
The internal implementation of unordered_multimap is the same as that of unordered_map but for duplicate keys, another count value is maintained with each key-value pair. As pairs are stored in the hash table, there is no particular order among them but pairs with the same keys come together in the data structure whereas pairs with the same values are not guaranteed to come together. 

Time Complexity: 
All operation on unordered_multimap takes a constant amount of time on average but time can go to linear in the worst case depending on internally used hash function but in long run unordered_multimap outperforms multimap (tree-based multimap). 

unordered_multimap supports many functions which are demonstrated in the below code : 

// C++ program to demonstrate various function of
// unordered_multimap
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// making typedef for short declaration
typedef unordered_multimap<string, int>::iterator unit;
// Utility function to print unordered_multimap
void printUmm(unordered_multimap<string, int> umm)
    // begin() returns iterator to first element of map
    unit it = umm.begin();
    for (; it != umm.end(); it++){
        cout << "<" << it->first << ", " << it->second
             << ">  ";
        cout << endl;
// Driver code
int main()
    // empty initialization
    unordered_multimap<string, int> umm1;
    // Initialization by initializer list
    unordered_multimap<string, int> umm2(
        { { "apple", 1 },
          { "ball", 2 },
          { "apple", 10 },
          { "cat", 7 },
          { "dog", 9 },
          { "cat", 6 },
          { "apple", 1 } });
    // Initialization by assignment operation
    umm1 = umm2;
    // empty returns true, if container is empty else it
    // returns false
    if (umm2.empty())
        cout << "unordered multimap 2 is empty\n";
        cout << "unordered multimap 2 is not empty\n";
    // size returns total number of elements in container
    cout << "Size of unordered multimap 1 is "
         << umm1.size() << endl;
    string key = "apple";
    // find and return any pair, associated with key
    unit it = umm1.find(key);
    if (it != umm1.end()) {
        cout << "\nkey " << key << " is there in unordered "
             << " multimap 1\n";
        cout << "\none of the value associated with " << key
             << " is " << it->second << endl;
        cout << "\nkey " << key
             << " is not there in unordered"
             << " multimap 1\n";
    // count returns count of total number of pair
    // associated with key
    int cnt = umm1.count(key);
    cout << "\ntotal values associated with " << key
         << " are " << cnt << "\n\n";
    // one insertion by making pair explicitly
    umm2.insert(make_pair("dog", 11));
    // insertion by initializer list
    umm2.insert({ { "alpha", 12 }, { "beta", 33 } });
    cout << "\nAfter insertion of <alpha, 12> and <beta, "
    // erase deletes all pairs corresponding to key
    cout << "\nAfter deletion of apple\n";
    // clear deletes all pairs from container
    if (umm2.empty())
        cout << "\nunordered multimap 2 is empty\n";
        cout << "\nunordered multimap 2 is not empty\n";

<dog, 9>  
<cat, 6>  
<cat, 7>  
<ball, 2>  
<apple, 1>  
<apple, 10>  
<apple, 1>  
unordered multimap 2 is not empty
Size of unordered multimap 1 is 7

key apple is there in unordered  multimap 1

one of the value associated with apple is 1

total values associated with apple are 3

<dog, 9>  
<cat, 6>  
<cat, 7>  
<ball, 2>  
<apple, 1>  
<apple, 10>  
<apple, 1>  

After insertion of <alpha, 12> and <beta, 33>
<alpha, 12>  
<dog, 11>  
<dog, 9>  
<beta, 33>  
<cat, 6>  
<cat, 7>  
<ball, 2>  
<apple, 1>  
<apple, 10>  
<apple, 1>  

After deletion of apple
<alpha, 12>  
<dog, 11>  
<dog, 9>  
<beta, 33>  
<cat, 6>  
<cat, 7>  
<ball, 2>  

unordered multimap 2 is empty

As we can see in the above code most of the operations work similar to unordered_map but some things to note are : 
We can use the initializer list for initializing and inserting many pairs at once. 
There is no [] operator for unordered_multimap because values corresponding to a key are not unique, there can be many values associated with a single key so [] operator can not be applied to them. 
Erase function deletes all instances of values associated with the supplied key. 
Find function returns an iterator to any instance of key-value pair among all pairs associated with that key. 

How to access/delete a specific value for a key? 
If we want to check whether a specific value is there or not, we need to loop over all pairs of key-value until we get our specific value, if we get our specific value in the unordered_multimap then use erase(position) method to delete that specific value from unordered_multimap. 

// C++ program to erase particular value.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Utility function to print unordered_multimap
void printUmm(unordered_multimap<string, int>& umm)
    // Iterator pointing to first element of unordered_map
    auto it1 = umm.begin();
    for (; it1 != umm.end(); it1++) {
        cout << "<" << it1->first << ", " << it1->second
             << ">  ";
        cout << endl;
int main()
    // Initialization by initializer list
    unordered_multimap<string, int> umm{
        { "apple", 1 }, { "ball", 2 }, { "apple", 10 },
        { "cat", 7 },   { "dog", 9 },  { "cat", 6 },
        { "apple", 1 }
    // Iterator pointing to first element of unordered_map
    auto it = umm.begin();
    // Search for an element with value 1
    while (it != umm.end()) {
        if (it->second == 1)
    // Erase the element pointed by iterator it
    if (it != umm.end())
      cout << "After deletion of value 1 from umm" << endl;
    return 0;

After deletion of value 1 from umm
<dog, 9>  
<cat, 6>  
<cat, 7>  
<ball, 2>  
<apple, 10>  
<apple, 1>  

Methods of unordered_multimap: 

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