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Understanding Package Managers and systemctl

A package manager is a command-line or graphical tool used to automate the process of installing, updating, and removing software packages on a Linux system. Software packages are collections of files, including executables, libraries, configuration files, and documentation, that are bundled together for easy distribution and installation. Package managers keep track of these packages, making it easier to manage software on a Linux system.

Functionalities of Package Manager in Linux

Installation: Package managers facilitate the installation of software packages from repositories or local files. They automatically handle dependencies, ensuring that all required components are installed.

Dependency Resolution: Linux software often relies on other packages. Package managers detect these dependencies and fetch and install them automatically.

Upgrading: Package managers allow users to update installed software to the latest versions. This helps in keeping the system secure and up-to-date.

Removal: Uninstalling software is straightforward with package managers. They ensure that all related files and dependencies are removed, preventing conflicts.

Querying: Users can query the package manager to get information about installed packages, available updates, and package details.

Most Widely used Package Manager in Linux

APT (Advanced Package Tool):

APT (Advanced Package Tool) is a powerful and widely used package manager in the Linux world. It’s the default package manager for Debian-based distributions, including Debian itself, Ubuntu, and Linux Mint. APT simplifies software management, ensuring that users can easily install, update, and remove packages while taking care of dependencies. Let’s explore APT in more detail, including its commands and real-world examples.

Key Features of APT:

Basic commands in APT:

Installing a package:

sudo apt-get install package-name

Updating the package list:

sudo apt-get update

Upgrading packages:

sudo apt-get upgrade

Removing a package:

sudo apt-get remove package-name

Searching for packages:

apt-cache search package-name

YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified):

YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified) is a package manager primarily used in Red Hat-based Linux distributions such as CentOS, Fedora, and RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux). YUM has played a significant role in simplifying package management on these systems, although it’s important to note that in recent years, dnf (Dandified YUM) has become the modern and recommended replacement for YUM. Here, we will discuss YUM, its commands, and provide examples of its usage.

Key Features of YUM:

Basic commands in YUM:

Installing a package:

sudo yum install package-name

Updating the package list:

sudo yum makecache

Upgrading packages:

sudo yum update

Removing a package:

sudo yum remove package-name

dnf Package Manager

dnf is the successor to YUM and is now the recommended package manager for Fedora-based distributions. It provides a more modern and user-friendly experience. The syntax and commands for dnf are similar to yum.

Some dnf examples are:

Installing a package:

sudo dnf install package-name

Updating packages:

sudo dnf upgrade


Pacman is the package manager used in Arch Linux and its derivatives, such as Manjaro. Arch Linux is known for its simplicity, flexibility, and rolling-release model, and Pacman is a vital component that makes managing software on Arch-based systems efficient. In this section, we’ll explore Pacman, its commands, and provide examples of its usage.

Key Features of Pacman:

Basic commands in Pacman:

Installing a package:

sudo pacman -S package-name

Updating the package list and upgrading packages:

sudo pacman -Syu

Removing a package:

sudo pacman -R package-name

Querying package information:

pacman -Q package-name


Zypper is the default package manager used in openSUSE and its derivatives. It plays a critical role in managing software packages on these Linux distributions. Zypper is known for its efficiency and robust dependency resolution capabilities. In this section, we will delve into Zypper, its commands, and provide examples of its usage.

Key Features of Zypper:

Basic commands in Zypper:

Installing a package:

sudo zypper in package-name

Updating packages:

sudo zypper up

Removing a package:

sudo zypper rm package-name

Searching for packages:

zypper se package-name

DPKG (Debian Package Manager):

DPKG (Debian Package Manager) is a fundamental package management tool for Debian-based Linux distributions, including Debian itself, Ubuntu, and their derivatives. DPKG is a low-level package manager, and while it directly interacts with individual package files, it is often used in conjunction with higher-level package managers like APT for a more user-friendly experience. In this section, we’ll explore DPKG, its commands, and provide examples of its usage.

Key Features of DPKG:

Basic commands in DPKG:

Installing a package from a .deb file:

sudo dpkg -i package.deb

Removing a package:

sudo dpkg -r package-name

Querying package information:

dpkg -l | grep package-name

systemctl in Linux

In this article, we will explore the systemctl command, an essential tool for managing services, units, and the entire systemd ecosystem in Linux. We must also know about systemd in Linux.

What is systemd?

Systemd is a system and service manager for Linux operating systems. It is designed to replace traditional init systems like SysV init and Upstart and is responsible for initializing the system, starting services, managing daemons, and monitoring system state. Its approach to managing processes is both efficient and powerful.

Some key features of systemd include:

Introduction to systemctl

systemctl is the primary command-line interface for interacting with systemd. It provides a wide range of functions for managing services, viewing their status, and controlling the system’s behavior. Let’s explore some of the most common systemctl commands and their usage.

Basic systemctl Commands

Starting and Stopping Services

To start a service, you use the start command. For example, to start the Apache web server:

sudo systemctl start apache2

start service

To stop a service, use the stop command:

sudo systemctl stop apache2

Stop service

Enabling and Disabling Services

To ensure a service starts at boot, you enable it using the enable command:

sudo systemctl enable apache2

Enable service

To disable a service from starting at boot:

sudo systemctl disable apache2

Disable sevices

Restarting and Reloading Services

To restart a service:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

To reload configuration files without stopping the service:

sudo systemctl reload apache2

Checking Service Status

To view the status of a service, use the status command:

systemctl status apache2

Checking status

This provides information about whether the service is running, its process ID, and recent log entries.

Viewing Active Units

You can list all currently active units (services, sockets, targets, etc.) with:

systemctl list-units --type=service

currently active units


Package managers and systemd, with its systemctl command, are indispensable tools for Linux system administrators and users. Package managers streamline software management, making installation, updates, and removals a breeze while resolving dependencies. The choice of package manager depends on your Linux distribution. Additionally, systemd and systemctl play a crucial role in managing processes and services, improving system startup times and ensuring efficient service management. Mastering these tools is fundamental to maintaining a well-functioning Linux system.

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