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Package Diagram | Introduction, Elements, Use Cases and Benefits

A package diagram is a type of Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram mainly used to represent the organization and the structure of a system in the form of packages.

A package is used as a container to organize the elements present in the system into a more manageable unit. It is very useful to represent the system’s architecture and design as a cohesive unit and a concise manner.

1. Basic Elements of Package Diagrams

The following are the basic elements of a Package Diagrams:

2. Package Structure and Notation

2.1 Package

The above is the notation of a simple Package.

2.2 Subsystem

The above notation is used to represent subsystem.

2.3 Dependency

The above dashed arrow sign is used to show the dependency among two elements or two packages.

2.4 Import

The above notation is of the Import, here it also uses a dashed arrow line but the difference is, the word <<import>> is being written to represent the below package or function or element has been imported from the above package.

2.5 Merge

This notation above denotes that the Package 1 can be merged with Package 2

3. Package Relationships

3.1 Package Merge Relationship

This relationship is used to represent that the contents of a package can be merged with the contents of another package. This implies that the source and the target package has some elements common in them, so that they can be merged together.


The above diagram depicts that the packages are of different type of payments, but all of them are a some kind of payment mechanism, so they can all be merged to be called as payment.

3.2 Package Dependency Relationship

A package can be dependant on other different packages, signifying that the source package is somehow dependent on the target package.


The above diagram depicts that the online payment package is dependent on the Internet package and uses “need” dependency.

3.3 Package Import Relationship

This relationship is used to represent that a package is importing another package to use. It signifies that the importing package can access the public contents of the imported package.


The above package diagram shows the import relationship between the main package Shapes and it’s various other sub packages Square, Rectangle etc. They all are importing the real Shapes package so that the public contents of the Shapes package can be used by them.

3.4 Package Access Relationship

This type of relationship signifies that there is a access relationship between two or more packages, meaning that one package can access the contents of another package without importing it.


The above diagram depicts the Access relationship between the Front End and Back End services. It is much needed that a front end service can easily access the important Back End services to carry out any operation.

4. Use Cases of Package Diagrams

Package Diagram is an essential part of System Design, it is a versatile tool to model and depict the structure of any organization or system’s elements. Some of the use cases of Package Diagrams are listed below:

5. Package Diagram Best Practices

Below are some of the best practices to be followed in case of a Package Diagram:

6. Benefits of Package Diagram

7. Challenges of Package Diagrams

8. Pitfalls of Package Diagrams

9. Package Diagrams in Software Development

Package Diagram plays a significant role in the field of Software Development as a visual representation of an architecture of a system. It helps in understanding , organizing and communication of the structural component of a system.

Tools and Software for Creating Package Diagrams

Some of the renowned tools and software used to create package diagrams are listed below –

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