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Transunion Interview Experience For developer Or Analyst | Off-Campus

Online Assessment:

The Test was held on the AMCAT platform and consisted of 4 sections:

There were 2 rounds of interviews:

ROUND 1 [Technical Round]:

ROUND 2 [Technical+HR Round]:

It was more of a discussion round, the HR was so friendly and helpful. He started with my intro.

  1. What will happen if we type ‘’ in the browser(I answered in terms of HTTP request, HTTP response, DNS lookup)?
  2. Where does the DNS lookup take place?
  3. What do you mean by ‘s’ in https?
  4. Question based on URL (how would you secure them)? (I answered the GET() and POST() methods from PHP).
  5. Where do you want to see yourself in 5 years?
  6. What do you do in your free time(except for normal curricular and academic activities)?

Hobbies? interest?

Your Way Of Preparation:

Overall Experience:

All the panelists were very friendly, and towards the end, they spent a good amount of time talking about the company culture, the opportunities present, and how flexible the organization is. It was a nice experience in the whole process. The interviewers were humble and supportive

Advice For The Particular Company:

If you are not from CS/IT don’t worry they won’t evaluate based on your branch. Try to add one project at least from ML or Web-dev, they will go through the project. For the AMCAT test, you should be good at aptitude and coding(the coding is general pattern questions only with a bit of modification). Be confident and fluent while answering.

Verdict: Selected.

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