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Time Zone Difference between United States and Australia

Answer: The time difference between the United States and Australia ranges from approximately 13 to 19 hours, depending on the specific regions and the time of the year, considering DST changes. It’s always advisable to check a current world clock for accurate time comparison.

Multiple Time Zones

The multiple time zones are as follows –

The United States has six main time zones

Australia has three primary time zones

Typical Time Differences

Eastern Standard Time (EST) and Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST): The typical time difference is around 14-16 hours, with Australia being ahead.

Pacific Standard Time (PST) and AEST: The difference is approximately 17-19 hours, with Australia ahead.

Central and Western Australian Time: This varies around 13-15 hours.

Consider Daylight Saving Time: Both countries observe Daylight Saving Time (DST), but at different parts of the year, which can affect the time difference.

The time difference between the United States and Australia varies significantly due to the vast geographical spread of both countries, each spanning multiple time zones.

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