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Time Difference Between United States and Indonesia

The time difference between the United States (US) and Indonesia is eleven hours i.e. the latter is eleven hours ahead of the center of the US. For example, if it’s 10:22 AM, Sunday, in the US, then it must be 9:22 PM, Sunday, in Indonesia.

Overview of both the countries:

Indonesia is a Southeast Asian country, which is located in the middle of the continents of Asia and Australia. It basically includes 17,508 islands along with 34 provinces that expand across five prime islands as well as four archipelagos. Where, the five prime islands comprise Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, and New Guinea. Moreover, the four archipelagos include Riau, Nusa Tenggara, Bangka Belitung, and Maluku. Its capital is Jakarta, which is the most populated city in Indonesia. This city experienced a variety of urban problems like overcrowding, pollution, and many more. Moreover, the language which is officially used here is Indonesian i.e. Bahasa Indonesia, and the currency used is the Indonesian rupiah.

Indonesia has three time zones namely Indonesia Western Standard Time i.e. WIB, Indonesia Central Standard Time i.e. WITA, as well as Indonesia Eastern Standard Time i.e. WIT.

The US is a federal republic country that is located in North America, which is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Its neighboring countries are Canada and Mexico. Washington DC, which is known for its historical monuments as well as museums is the capital of the US. Moreover, the primary language used here is English, and the currency used in the country is the US dollar.

The USA has six time zones namely Hawaii Standard Time Zone, Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time Zone, Alaska Daylight Time Zone, Pacific Daylight Time Zone, Mountain Standard Time, and Mountain Daylight Time.

Some Time Zones of the United States and Their Respective Time Differences with Indonesia:

Some of the time zones that are being utilized in the US at present and their respective time differences with Indonesia are as follows:

  1. Hawaii Standard Time Zone: The abbreviation of this time zone is HST. Its offset is UTC -10. Moreover, one of the cities that comes under this time zone is Honolulu. Here, this city is 17 hours behind the Jakarta city of Indonesia i.e. if the time in Honolulu is 5:00 AM, Monday then the time in Jakarta will be 10:00 PM, Monday.
  2. Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time Zone: The abbreviation of this time zone is HDT. Its offset is UTC -9. Moreover, one of the cities that comes under this time zone is Adak. Here, this city is 16 hours behind the Jakarta city of Indonesia i.e. if the time in Adak is 5:00 AM, Monday then the time in Jakarta will be 9:00 PM, Monday.
  3. Alaska Daylight Time Zone: The abbreviation of this time zone is AKDT. Its offset is UTC -8. Moreover, one of the cities that comes under this time zone is Anchorage. Here, this city is 15 hours behind the Jakarta city of Indonesia i.e. if the time in Anchorage is 5:00 AM, Monday then the time in Jakarta will be 8:00 PM, Monday.
  4. Pacific Daylight Time Zone: The abbreviation of this time zone is PDT. Its offset is UTC -7. Moreover, one of the cities that comes under this time zone is Los Angeles. Here, this city is 14 hours behind the Jakarta city of Indonesia i.e. if the time in Los Angeles is 5:00 AM, Monday then the time in Jakarta will be 7:00 PM, Monday.
  5. Mountain Standard Time: The abbreviation of this time zone is MST. Its offset is UTC -7. Moreover, one of the cities that comes under this time zone is Phoenix. Here, this city is 14 hours behind Jakarta city of Indonesia i.e. if the time in Phoenix is 5:00 AM, Monday then the time in Jakarta will be 7:00 PM, Monday.
  6. Mountain Daylight Time: The abbreviation of this time zone is MDT. Its offset is UTC -6. Moreover, one of the cities that comes under this time zone is Salt Lake City. Here, this city is 13 hours behind the Jakarta city of Indonesia i.e. if the time in Salt Lake City is 5:00 AM, Monday then the time in Jakarta will be 6:00 PM, Monday.

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