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TestNG Annotations – @BeforeSuite

The Concept Annotations is introduced in Java 1.5. The Popular Annotation in Java is @override. We use the same annotation concept in TestNG.

In TestNG, there are 10 Annotations

  1. @BeforeSuite
  2. @AfterSuite
  3. @BeforeTest
  4. @AfterTest
  5. @BeforeClass
  6. @AfterClass
  7. @BeforeMethod
  8. @AfterMethod
  9. @BeforeGroups
  10. @AfterGroups

In this article, we will learn about @BeforeSuite.

What is @BeforeSuite?

@BeforeSuite is one of the TestNG Annotations. As the name defines, @BeforeSuite is executed before the execution of all the test cases inside a TestNG Suite. This annotation allows developers to specify various actions to be taken before the execution of all the test cases inside a TestNG Suite.

Example of @BeforeSuite

Let’s understand the @BeforeSuite annotation through an example.

Step 1: Open the Eclipse IDE.

Step 2: Create a Maven Project.

Step 3: After Creating the Maven Project, the project exploration will look like the below image.


Package Explorer

Step 4: Create a TestNG Class that contains @BeforeSuite.

Before_Suite.Java (@BeforeSuite)

package com.geeksforgeeks.test;

import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeSuite;

public class Before_Suite {
  public void beforeSuite() {
      System.out.println("TestNG runs the test cases in alphabetical order");
  public void signup() {
      System.out.println("Test for signup");
  public void login() {
      System.out.println("Test for login");

Now, let’s explain what this code does:

Step 5: Now, we create the AnnotationsTest.xml file to configure the Before_Suite Class.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="suite">
    <test name="test1">
               <class name="com.geeksforgeeks.test.Before_Suite" /> 

Step 6: Run the AnnotationsTest.xml. Right-click on the AnnotationsTest.xml file, move the cursor down to Run As and then click on the 1 TestNG Suite.


BeforeSuite output

BeforeSuite output

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