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Target Corporation Interview Experience | Set 5

Round 1:
In 1st round there was 11 questions 10 was objective and 1 coding question (given an expression string in prefix form and u have to convert it to postfix form) objective was from DS,C and aptitude. Objectives was easy.

Round 2:

This round was of 45 min(approx).first they asked me what u know about Target. Then for 30 min they asked me question related to my project. And after that they asked me question of Java.
1. Inheritance in Java.
2. Abstract class and interface
3. Singleton class (also ask me to write code for that)
4. They gave me some code of Java and asked to find output.
5. Upcasting and downcasting concept.

Round 3:

Question based on my resume.
Situation based questions.
Again they ask me about project in this round also.
Questions on dbms queries.
Why Target.
Where do u see urself after 5 years.

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