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Symmetric Encryption Cryptography in Java

Cryptography is the study of different techniques to secure data from an unauthorized entity. In computer science, we try to develop strategies and practices for protecting sensitive data. Most of the cryptography involves very advanced Mathematical functions used for securing data. The sole purpose of the algorithms developed for cryptography is to hide data from the attacker or middleman. In this article, we will understand the concept in cryptography named symmetric encryption. 
Before getting into the concept, lets first understand a few key terms involved in cryptography. They are:


Now, lets understand the functions of the components involved in cryptography. 

Java Cryptography Architecture
The JCA(Java Cryptography Architecture) is the heart and soul of the java encryption, decryption, hashing, secure random, and several other engines that allow us to do cryptographic functions with java programming. The following are a few basic concepts involved in this architecture. 

Encryption: Encryption is the process of hiding plaintext data with the use of a key, which yields ciphertext. The Ciphered text becomes difficult to read without the key that was used to generate that ciphertext. Only the authorized entities can read the original text. Lets understand the goals of the encryption. In the coming illustrations, we are considering “A” as the sender and “B” as the receiver. 

Symmetric Encryption: Symmetric encryption or shared key encryption is a method of encryption where both the parties involved share a standard key. That common key must be kept secret by both the parties. For example, “A” will encrypt a message with a shared key “K, ” then “B” can decrypt the encrypted message only with “K.”
Asymmetric Encryption: Asymmetric encryption or public/private key pair encryption is based on the concept of two keys that are mathematically related, (i.e.), one to encrypt and the other to decrypt. For example, “A” will create a public and private key, and he will share the public key with everyone. He can encrypt a message with the private key and send it to “B.” “B” can decrypt the message using “A’s” public key, which is openly available. If “B” wants to send a private message to “A, ” he can encrypt the data using “A’s” public key, and “B” can then decrypt it using his private key.
Implementing Symmetric Encryption
In order to implement symmetric encryption, we need a shared key. We will generate a shared key, but before that, we need to know a few classes and functions. They are:

  1. Class SecureRandom: This class helps generate a secure random number. The following are the constructor details of the class:
    • SecureRandom() constructs a random secured number generator using default random number algorithm.
    • public SecureRandom(byte[] seed) SecureRandom instance is seeded with the specified seed bytes. The parameters required by this constructor is a seed.
    • protected SecureRandom(SecureRandomSpi secureRandomSpi, Provider provider). The parameters of this constructor is secureRandomSpi which refers to the SecureRandom implementation. and provider which represents the provider.
    • getInstance(): Returns a SecureRandom object and applies random number generation algorithm. The syntax of this method is: 
      public static SecureRandom getInstance(String algo) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException 
    • getProvider(): This method returns a SecureRandom object. The syntax of this method is: 

public final Provider getProvider() 

public String getAlgorithm() 

public void setSeed(byte[] seed) 

public static byte[] getSeed(int numBytes) 

  1. Class KeyGenerator: This class provides the functionality for key generator. The following are the standard KeyGenerator algorithms with the key sizes. 
    • AES (128)
    • DES (56)
    • DESede (168)
    • HmacSHA1
    • HmacSHA256


Approach to generate symmetric key: The following steps can be followed in order to generate a symmetric key. 

// Creating the object 
SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
// We can invoke the following method 
// to retrieve random bytes 
byte bytes[] = new byte[20]; 

KeyGenerator keygenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance(AES); 
keygenerator.init(256, securerandom); 

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

// Java program to generate
// a symmetric key
import javax.crypto
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import javax.xml.bind
// Class to create a
// symmetric key
public class symmetric {
    public static final String AES
        = "AES";
    // Function to create a secret key
    public static SecretKey createAESKey()
        throws Exception
        // Creating a new instance of
        // SecureRandom class.
        SecureRandom securerandom
            = new SecureRandom();
        // Passing the string to
        // KeyGenerator
        KeyGenerator keygenerator
            = KeyGenerator.getInstance(AES);
        // Initializing the KeyGenerator
        // with 256 bits.
        keygenerator.init(256, securerandom);
        SecretKey key = keygenerator.generateKey();
        return key;
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[])
        throws Exception
        SecretKey Symmetrickey
            = createAESKey();
        System.out.print("The Symmetric Key is :"
                         + DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(


Encryption and Decryption using the symmetric key: The following steps can be followed in order to perform the encryption and decryption. 

Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(“AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding”); 
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey, ivParameterSpec); 
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secretKey, ivParameterSpec); 

doFinal(byte[] input)

Below is the implementation of the symmetric encryption and decryption. Here, we are using AES(ADVANCED ENCRYPTION STANDARD) algorithm to perform the encryption. 

// Java program to implement the
// encryption and decryption
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import javax.crypto.spec
import javax.xml.bind
// Creating the symmetric
// class which implements
// the symmetric
public class symmetric {
    private static final String AES
        = "AES";
    // We are using a Block cipher(CBC mode)
    private static final String AES_CIPHER_ALGORITHM
    private static Scanner message;
    // Function to create a
    // secret key
    public static SecretKey createAESKey()
        throws Exception
        SecureRandom securerandom
            = new SecureRandom();
        KeyGenerator keygenerator
            = KeyGenerator.getInstance(AES);
        keygenerator.init(256, securerandom);
        SecretKey key
            = keygenerator.generateKey();
        return key;
    // Function to initialize a vector
    // with an arbitrary value
    public static byte[] createInitializationVector()
        // Used with encryption
        byte[] initializationVector
            = new byte[16];
        SecureRandom secureRandom
            = new SecureRandom();
        return initializationVector;
    // This function takes plaintext,
    // the key with an initialization
    // vector to convert plainText
    // into CipherText.
    public static byte[] do_AESEncryption(
        String plainText,
        SecretKey secretKey,
        byte[] initializationVector)
        throws Exception
        Cipher cipher
            = Cipher.getInstance(
        IvParameterSpec ivParameterSpec
            = new IvParameterSpec(
        return cipher.doFinal(
    // This function performs the
    // reverse operation of the
    // do_AESEncryption function.
    // It converts ciphertext to
    // the plaintext using the key.
    public static String do_AESDecryption(
        byte[] cipherText,
        SecretKey secretKey,
        byte[] initializationVector)
        throws Exception
        Cipher cipher
            = Cipher.getInstance(
        IvParameterSpec ivParameterSpec
            = new IvParameterSpec(
        byte[] result
            = cipher.doFinal(cipherText);
        return new String(result);
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[])
        throws Exception
        SecretKey Symmetrickey
            = createAESKey();
            "The Symmetric Key is :"
            + DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(
        byte[] initializationVector
            = createInitializationVector();
        String plainText
            = "This is the message "
              + "I want To Encrypt.";
        // Encrypting the message
        // using the symmetric key
        byte[] cipherText
            = do_AESEncryption(
            "The ciphertext or "
            + "Encrypted Message is: "
            + DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(
        // Decrypting the encrypted
        // message
        String decryptedText
            = do_AESDecryption(
            "Your original message is: "
            + decryptedText);


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