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Swift – SwiftyJSON

Swift is a powerful programming language for all Apple platforms. SwiftyJSON is an open-source and free-to-use library that helps to format JSON in an easy and usable format. It is a third-party Swift library that is used to read and process JSON data from an API/Server.

To use SwiftyJSON you just need to import that library:

import SwiftyJSON

Features of SwiftyJSON

  1. Simplified Syntax: SwiftyJSON makes it simple to work with JSON data in Swift. Instead of using complicated code, it provides a clear and easy way to grab information from JSON.
  2. Type Safety: SwiftyJSON helps you avoid confusion about the type of information in the JSON.
  3. Error Handling: Sometimes, the JSON data might not be exactly what you expect. SwiftyJSON helps you handle these situations.
  4. Doing Many Things at Once: SwiftyJSON allows you to do several things one after another without making your code messy.

Why use SwiftyJSON?

Without SwiftyJSON

Below is the program to extract Employee Name from JSON Data without Using SwiftyJSON:

import Swift
if let statusesArray = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data,
                                                         options: .allowFragments) as? [[String: Any]],
    let employees = statusesArray[0]["employee"] as? [String: Any],
    let employeeName = user["name"] as? String {

With SwiftyJSON

Below is the program to extract Employee Name from JSON Data Using SwiftyJSON:

import Swift
import SwiftyJSON
// json from networking or String
let json = JSON(data: dataFromNetworkingOrString)
if let employeetName = json[0]["employees"]["name"].string {
  //we got the employee name
//SwiftJSON also automatically detects if the data you are using is from networking or from a json string

Steps to Install SwiftyJSON

Step 1: Install Cocoapods

Install cocoaPods, once that is ready, let’s create our Xcode project.

Step 2: Open Existing Project OR Create Project

create project

Step 3: Add Project

Now navigate to your project folder and open a terminal window, also navigate the terminal window to the project location.

cd /Users/your account/Documents/GeeksForGeeks/How_To_Use_SwiftyJSON/

The above path may be different for you so Type “cd/ ” and paste that path.

add the path to the terminal

Step 4: pod init

Navigate to your project folder using Terminal and type pod Init Once there you should do a “pod init” in your terminal:

pod init

Pod init

It will then output a file named Podfile.

Step 5: Add the SwiftyJSON

Now navigate to the project using finder Open the profile and add the SwiftyJSON pod:

pod “SwiftyJSON”

pod ‘”Alamofire”

pod “SwiftyJSON”

The code will look like

# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project

# platform :ios, ‘9.0’

target ‘GFG’ do

# Comment the next line if you don’t want to use dynamic frameworks


pod ‘Alamofire’

# Pods for GFG

pod “SwiftyJSON”


Step 6: Run pod

Save the file and in your terminal run the following command:

pod install

pod install

Step 7: Import

Open the file named [projectname. xcworkspace] and your project should have SwiftyJSON installed and ready to go.

Step 8: Add SwiftyJSON Dependencies

Navigate to the “File” option in the top left corner and click on the Add Package Dependencies.

Add Package Dependencies

Now click on the search button and paste the GitHub link:

add git link

Now click on the Add Package.

Wait until it is finished.

wait until it downloads the files

Click on the Add Package.

click on Add Package

If the package is visible in the Package Dependencies, you have successfully added the dependency.


1. Import SwiftyJSON

import SwiftyJSON

2. Initializing SwiftyJSON

Create a SwiftyJSON object by initializing it with your JSON data:

if let jsonData = .utf8) {

let json = try? JSON(data: jsonData)

// Now, ‘json’ is your SwiftyJSON object


3. Accessing JSON Values

Use subscript notation to access values in a clean and readable way:

let name = json[“name”].stringValue

let age = json[“age”].intValue

4. Type Safety

Leverage SwiftyJSON’s type inference to handle different types of JSON values.

let isStudent = json[“isStudent”].boolValue

5. Error Handling

Be sure to handle errors when working with JSON, especially if the structure may vary.

if let error = json.error {

print(“Error parsing JSON: \(error)”)


6. Chaining Operations

Take advantage of chaining to perform multiple operations concisely.

let fullName = json[“name”].stringValue + ” ” + json[“lastName”].stringValue

7. Deal with Optional Values

SwiftyJSON returns optional values to handle situations where the JSON key may not exist.

if let optionalValue = json[“optionalKey”].string {

// Use ‘optionalValue’ here


8. Handling Arrays

Work with arrays using SwiftyJSON’s array methods.

for item in json[“arrayKey”].arrayValue {

// Process each item in the array


9. Transformation Methods

Utilize SwiftyJSON’s transformation methods to convert JSON data easily.

let intValue = json[“numericString”].intValue

Example 1

In this example, we will see how to fetch JSON data from a URL and parse it using SwiftyJSON.

File Name: data.json


“students”: [


“name”: “Geeks_1”,

“age”: 25,

“isStudent”: true



“name”: “Geeks_2”,

“age”: 22,

“isStudent”: true



“name”: “Geeks_3”,

“age”: 28,

“isStudent”: false




“data.json” is the JSON file in which we have the data students that we are going to display on the screen

File NameContentView.swift

import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var students: [Student] = []
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Student Data").font(.title)
            if students.isEmpty {
                    .onAppear {
            } else {
                List(students, id: \.name) { student in
                    VStack(alignment: .leading) {
                        Text("Name: \(")
                        Text("Age: \(student.age)")
                        Text("Is Student: \(student.isStudent ? "Yes" : "No")")
    private func fetchData() {
        DataFetcher.fetchData { fetchedStudents in
            if let fetchedStudents = fetchedStudents {
                self.students = fetchedStudents
#Preview {

In the above swift code, we have created a list in which we are going to display the student data and also we wrote the function to fetch the data

File Name: DataFetcher.swift

import Foundation
import SwiftyJSON
class DataFetcher {
    static func fetchData(completion: @escaping ([Student]?) -> Void) {
        guard let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "data", ofType: "json") else {
            print("Failed to find data.json")
        do {
            let data = try Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: path), options: .mappedIfSafe)
            let json = try JSON(data: data)
            var students = [Student]()
            for (_, studentJson):(String, JSON) in json["students"] {
                let name = studentJson["name"].stringValue
                let age = studentJson["age"].intValue
                let isStudent = studentJson["isStudent"].boolValue
                let student = Student(name: name, age: age, isStudent: isStudent)
        } catch {
            print("Failed to parse data.json:", error)
struct Student {
    let name: String
    let age: Int
    let isStudent: Bool

In this Swift code, we have created the variables that are present in the JSON file and created the extractor of json


Output of Example 1

Example 2

File Name: Data.json


“movies”: [


“title”: “Interstellar”,

“director”: “Christopher Nolan”,

“year”: 2014,

“rating”: 8.6



“title”: “The BFG”,

“director”: “Steven Spielberg”,

“year”: 2016,

“rating”: 6.4



“title”: “Frozen”,

“director”: “Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee”,

“year”: 2013,

“rating”: 7.4




File Name: ContentView.swift

import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var movies: [Movie] = []
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List(movies, id: \.title) { movie in
                VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 8) {
                    Text("Directed by: \(movie.director)")
                    Text("Year: \(movie.year)")
                    Text("Rating: \(movie.rating)")
        .onAppear {
    private func fetchData() {
        if let fetchedMovies = DataFetcher.fetchData() {
            movies = fetchedMovies
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

In the above swift code, we have created a list in which we are going to display the student data and also we wrote the function to fetch the data

File Name: Movie. swift

import Foundation
import SwiftyJSON
struct Movie {
    let title: String
    let director: String
    let year: Int
    let rating: Double

In the above swift code, we have created the structure named movies in which we initialize the data type of the variables that are present in the json file

File Name: DataFetcher.swift

import Foundation
import SwiftyJSON
class DataFetcher {
    static func fetchData() -> [Movie]? {
        guard let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "data", ofType: "json") else {
            print("Failed to find data.json")
            return nil
        do {
            let data = try Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: path), options: .mappedIfSafe)
            let json = try JSON(data: data)
            var movies = [Movie]()
            for (_, movieJson):(String, JSON) in json["movies"] {
                let title = movieJson["title"].stringValue
                let director = movieJson["director"].stringValue
                let year = movieJson["year"].intValue
                let rating = movieJson["rating"].doubleValue
                let movie = Movie(title: title, director: director, year: year, rating: rating)
            return movies
        } catch {
            print("Failed to parse data.json:", error)
            return nil

In the above swift code, we have created a list in which we are going to display the student data and also we wrote the function to fetch the data


Output of Example 2

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