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Streaming Stored Video

Streaming of videos involve, storing of prerecorded videos on servers.

There are 3 video streaming categories:

1. UDP Streaming
2. HTTP Streaming
3. Adaptive HTTP Streaming 

Usually, today’s system employs HTTP and Adaptive HTTP Streaming. Common characteristic of these three streaming technique is that the extensive use of Client-Side Buffering. Advantages of Client Buffering:

  1. Client side buffer absorbs variations in server-client delay. Until the delayed packet is received by the client, the received-but not yet-played video will be played.
  2. Even if bandwidth drops, user can view the video until the buffer is completely drained.

1. UDP STREAMING: UDP servers send video chunks (Chunk: unit of information that contains either control information or user data) to clients, based on client’s consumption rate. It transmits chunks at a rate, that matches client’s video consumption rate by clocking out video chunks over UDP over steady state. For example,

Video consumption rate = 2Mbps
Capacity of one UDP packet = 8000 bits

Transmission rate = 8000 bits/2 Mbps = 4000 msec 



2. HTTP STREAMING: Video is stored in an HTTP server as a simple ordinary file with a unique URL. Client establishes TCP connection with server and issues a HTTP GET request for that URL. Server sends the video file along with an HTTP RESPONSE. Now the client buffer grabs the video and then displayed on user screen. Advantages:


Uses: Youtube and Netflix uses HTTP streaming mechanism. 3. ADAPTIVE HTTP STREAMING: The major drawbacks of HTTP streaming, lead to development of new type of HTTP based streaming referred to as DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP). Videos are encoded into different bit rate versions, having different quality. The host makes a dynamic video request of few seconds in length from different bit versions. When bandwidth is high, high bit rate chunks are received hence high quality similarly, low quality video during low bandwidth. Advantages:

So the client dynamically selects the video and audio chunks and synchronizes it locally in the play-out. Uses: COMCAST uses DASH for streaming high quality video contents.

Advantages of Streaming Stored Video

Applications of Streaming Stored Video

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