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Spring Data JPA – @Modifying Annotation

@Modifying annotation in Spring Data JPA allows modification queries such as update and delete and enhances the capabilities of the @Query annotation. It enables data transformation actions beyond simple data retrieval, ensuring transaction integrity and improving performance.

The @Modifying annotation is used to enhance the @Query annotation so that we can not only execute the SELECT queries, but also INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and even DDL queries that modify the structure of the underlying database schema using Spring Data JPA

Benefits of @Modifying Annotation

@Modifying annotation is used when you want to execute modifying queries, such as updates or deletes. This annotation is necessary because, by default, Spring Data JPA repository methods are considered read-only and are optimized for querying data, not modifying it. 

Implementation of @Modifying Annotation of Spring Data JPA

Step 1: Define Entity Class

Define an entity class named User that contains fields such as id, name, age, and isActive to represent user data.

public class User {
    // Primary key
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private int id;
    // User's name
    private String name;
    // User's age
    private int age;
    // Indicates if the user is active
    private Boolean isActive = true;

Step 2: Define Repository Interface

Now we will create a repository interface named UserDao that extends JpaRepository with @Modifying and is annotated with @Query annotation to perform update actions.

public interface UserDao extends JpaRepository<User, Integer>{
    // Modifying query to update user's active status based on age
    @Query(nativeQuery = true, value = "update user u set where u.age < :age")
    void updateUser(@Param("age") int age);


Step 3: Create Service Class

Now create one class named UserserviceDemo. Inside this class, call the updateUser method that will update data in the database.

public class UserServiceDemo {
    private UserDao userDao;
    //get user data from database..
    public List<User> getUserDetail() {
        return userDao.findAll();
    //update user data using our custom method..
    public String updateUserDetail(int age) {
         return "successfully update !!"; 

Step 4: Implement Controller

Inside the controller, create one class named UserControllerDemo to process HTTP requests, including using endpoints to retrieve user data and update user information.

public class UserControllerDemo {
    // Autowired UserServiceDemo bean
    private UserServiceDemo userServiceDemo;
    // GET endpoint to retrieve user data
    public List<User> getUser() {
        return userServiceDemo.getUserDetail();
    // PUT endpoint to update user details based on age
    public String updateUser(@PathVariable int age) {
        return userServiceDemo.updateUserDetail(age);

Step 5: Run the application

Now we will run the application and verify the update and delete operations, ensuring successful modification of data in the database.


Update activation status: false where age less than 20Update User

Here, we can see the status update properly in the database.

Output screen of Updated user

The above is updating data using the @Modifying annotation. If we have to delete data from the database using the @Modifying annotation, then add the below method to the repository.

@Query(nativeQuery = true,value = "delete from user u where = false")
void deleteDeactivatedUsers();

It can successfully delete data from a database where the activation status is false.

Deleting Data

Here, we can see the data was properly deleted in the database.

User data deleted successfully

We can see updates and deletes using the @Modifying annotation. Now we can work with DDL queries using the @Modifying annotation, which means alter, drop, etc.

@Query(value = "alter table user u drop column u.login_date", nativeQuery = true)
void deletedColumn();

The above method can be used to drop/delete a column from a database that will be unnecessary in the table. Now we can alter the table using the @Modifying annotation.


Before executing the above method, the login_date column is unnecessary in database table.

Database Screen

Now, we can execute the deleteColumn() method.

Executing deleteColumn() method

After executing the method, we can see the column was successfully deleted.

Column successfully deleted in the database

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