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Snowball Stemmer – NLP

Snowball Stemmer: It is a stemming algorithm which is also known as the Porter2 stemming algorithm as it is a better version of the Porter Stemmer since some issues of it were fixed in this stemmer.

First, let’s look at what is stemming-

Stemming: It is the process of reducing the word to its word stem that affixes to suffixes and prefixes or to roots of words known as a lemma. In simple words stemming is reducing a word to its base word or stem in such a way that the words of similar kind lie under a common stem. For example – The words care, cared and caring lie under the same stem ‘care’. Stemming is important in natural language processing(NLP).

Some few common rules of Snowball stemming are:

Few Rules:
ILY  -----> ILI
LY   -----> Nil
SS   -----> SS
S    -----> Nil
ED   -----> E,Nil

Let’s see a few examples:-

Word           Stem
cared          care
university     univers
fairly         fair
easily         easili
singing        sing
sings          sing
sung           sung
singer         singer
sportingly     sport

Code: Python code implementation of Snowball Stemmer using NLTK library

import nltk
from nltk.stem.snowball import SnowballStemmer
#the stemmer requires a language parameter
snow_stemmer = SnowballStemmer(language='english')
#list of tokenized words
words = ['cared','university','fairly','easily','singing',
#stem's of each word
stem_words = []
for w in words:
    x = snow_stemmer.stem(w)
#print stemming results
for e1,e2 in zip(words,stem_words):
    print(e1+' ----> '+e2)


cared ----> care
university ----> univers
fairly ----> fair
easily ----> easili
singing ----> sing
sings ----> sing
sung ----> sung
singer ----> singer
sportingly ----> sport

You can also quickly check what stem would be returned for a given word or words using the snowball site. Under its demo section, you can easily see what this algorithm does for various different words.

Other Stemming Algorithms:

There are other stemming algorithms as well.

Difference Between Porter Stemmer and Snowball Stemmer:

Drawbacks of Stemming:

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