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NLP | Word Collocations

Collocations are two or more words that tend to appear frequently together, for example – United States. There are many other words that can come after United, such as the United Kingdom and United Airlines. As with many aspects of natural language processing, context is very important. And for collocations, context is everything. In the case of collocations, the context will be a document in the form of a list of words. Discovering collocations in this list of words means to find common phrases that occur frequently throughout the text. Link to DATA – Monty Python and the Holy Grail script Code #1 : Loading Libraries 

from nltk.corpus import webtext
# use to find bigrams, which are pairs of words
from nltk.collocations import BigramCollocationFinder
from nltk.metrics import BigramAssocMeasures

  Code #2 : Let’s find the collocations 

# Loading the data
words = [w.lower() for w in webtext.words(
biagram_collocation = BigramCollocationFinder.from_words(words)
biagram_collocation.nbest(BigramAssocMeasures.likelihood_ratio, 15)

Output : 

[("'", 's'),
 ('arthur', ':'),
 ('#', '1'),
 ("'", 't'),
 ('villager', '#'),
 ('#', '2'),
 (']', '['),
 ('1', ':'),
 ('oh', ', '),
 ('black', 'knight'),
 ('ha', 'ha'),
 (':', 'oh'),
 ("'", 're'),
 ('galahad', ':'),
 ('well', ', ')]

As we can see in the code above finding collocations in this way is not very useful. So, the code below is a refined version by adding a word filter to remove punctuation and stopwords.   Code #3 : 

from nltk.corpus import stopwords
stopset = set(stopwords.words('english'))
filter_stops = lambda w: len(w) < 3 or w in stopset
biagram_collocation.nbest(BigramAssocMeasures.likelihood_ratio, 15)

Output : 

[('black', 'knight'),
 ('clop', 'clop'),
 ('head', 'knight'),
 ('mumble', 'mumble'),
 ('squeak', 'squeak'),
 ('saw', 'saw'),
 ('holy', 'grail'),
 ('run', 'away'),
 ('french', 'guard'),
 ('cartoon', 'character'),
 ('iesu', 'domine'),
 ('pie', 'iesu'),
 ('round', 'table'),
 ('sir', 'robin'),
 ('clap', 'clap')]

How it works in the code?

Code #4 : Working on triplets instead of pairs. 

# Loading Libraries
from nltk.collocations import TrigramCollocationFinder
from nltk.metrics import TrigramAssocMeasures
# Loading data - text file
words = [w.lower() for w in webtext.words(
trigram_collocation = TrigramCollocationFinder.from_words(words)
trigram_collocation.nbest(TrigramAssocMeasures.likelihood_ratio, 15)

Output : 

[('clop', 'clop', 'clop'),
 ('mumble', 'mumble', 'mumble'),
 ('squeak', 'squeak', 'squeak'),
 ('saw', 'saw', 'saw'),
 ('pie', 'iesu', 'domine'),
 ('clap', 'clap', 'clap'),
 ('dona', 'eis', 'requiem'),
 ('brave', 'sir', 'robin'),
 ('heh', 'heh', 'heh'),
 ('king', 'arthur', 'music'),
 ('hee', 'hee', 'hee'),
 ('holy', 'hand', 'grenade'),
 ('boom', 'boom', 'boom'),
 ('...', 'dona', 'eis'),
 ('already', 'got', 'one')]

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