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Singleton Pattern in Python – A Complete Guide

A Singleton pattern in python is a design pattern that allows you to create just one instance of a class, throughout the lifetime of a program. Using a singleton pattern has many benefits. A few of them are:

Different ways to implement a Singleton:

A singleton pattern can be implemented in three different ways. They are as follows:

Module-level Singleton:

All modules are singleton, by definition.  Let’s create a simple module-level singleton where the data is shared among other modules. Here we will create three python files –,, and – in which the other sample modules share a variable from 

shared_variable = "Shared Variable"

import singleton
singleton.shared_variable += "(modified by samplemodule1)"
import singleton

Let’s look into the output.

Here, the value changed by samplemodule1 is also reflected in samplemodule2.

Classic Singleton:

Classic Singleton creates an instance only if there is no instance created so far; otherwise, it will return the instance that is already created. Let’s take a look at the below code.

class SingletonClass(object):
  def __new__(cls):
    if not hasattr(cls, 'instance'):
      cls.instance = super(SingletonClass, cls).__new__(cls)
    return cls.instance
singleton = SingletonClass()
new_singleton = SingletonClass()
print(singleton is new_singleton)
singleton.singl_variable = "Singleton Variable"

Singleton Variable

Here, in the __new__ method, we will check whether an instance is created or not. If created, it will return the instance; otherwise, it will create a new instance. You can notice that singleton and new_singleton return the same instance and have the same variable.

Let’s check what happens when we subclass a singleton class. 

class SingletonClass(object):
  def __new__(cls):
    if not hasattr(cls, 'instance'):
      cls.instance = super(SingletonClass, cls).__new__(cls)
    return cls.instance
class SingletonChild(SingletonClass):
singleton = SingletonClass() 
child = SingletonChild()
print(child is singleton)
singleton.singl_variable = "Singleton Variable"


Singleton Variable

Here, you can see that SingletonChild has the same instance of SingletonClass and also shares the same state. But there are scenarios, where we need a different instance, but should share the same state. This state sharing can be achieved using Borg singleton.

Borg Singleton: 

Borg singleton is a design pattern in Python that allows state sharing for different instances. Let’s look into the following code.

class BorgSingleton(object):
  _shared_borg_state = {}
  def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
    obj = super(BorgSingleton, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
    obj.__dict__ = cls._shared_borg_state
    return obj
borg = BorgSingleton()
borg.shared_variable = "Shared Variable"
class ChildBorg(BorgSingleton):
childBorg = ChildBorg()
print(childBorg is borg)

Shared Variable

Along with the new instance creation process, a shared state is also defined in the __new__ method. Here the shared state is retained using the shared_borg_state attribute and it is stored in the __dict__ dictionary of each instance.

If you want a different state, then you can reset the  shared_borg_state attribute. Let’s see how to reset a shared state.

class BorgSingleton(object):
  _shared_borg_state = {}
  def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
    obj = super(BorgSingleton, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
    obj.__dict__ = cls._shared_borg_state
    return obj
borg = BorgSingleton()
borg.shared_variable = "Shared Variable"
class NewChildBorg(BorgSingleton):
    _shared_borg_state = {}
newChildBorg = NewChildBorg()

Here, we have reset the shared state and tried to access the shared_variable. Let’s see the error.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/", line 16, in <module>
AttributeError: 'NewChildBorg' object has no attribute 'shared_variable'

Use cases of a Singleton:

Let’s list a few of the use cases of a singleton class. They are as follows:

Create a Web Crawler using Classic Singleton:

Let’s create a webcrawler that uses the benefit of a classic singleton. In this practical example, the crawler scans a webpage, fetch the links associated with the same website, and download all the images in it. Here, we have two main classes and two main functions.

Apart from the above classes and functions, we use two sets of libraries to parse the web page – BeautifulSoup and HTTP Client.

Have a look at the below code. 

Note: Execute the code in your local machine

import httplib2
import os
import re
import threading
import urllib
import urllib.request
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urljoin
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
class CrawlerSingleton(object):
    def __new__(cls):
        """ creates a singleton object, if it is not created,
        or else returns the previous singleton object"""
        if not hasattr(cls, 'instance'):
            cls.instance = super(CrawlerSingleton, cls).__new__(cls)
        return cls.instance
def navigate_site(max_links = 5):
    """ navigate the website using BFS algorithm, find links and
        arrange them for downloading images """
    # singleton instance
    parser_crawlersingleton = CrawlerSingleton()
    # During the initial stage, url_queue has the main_url.
    # Upon parsing the main_url page, new links that belong to the
    # same website is added to the url_queue until
    # it equals to max _links.
    while parser_crawlersingleton.url_queue:
        # checks whether it reached the max. link
        if len(parser_crawlersingleton.visited_url) == max_links:
        # pop the url from the queue
        url = parser_crawlersingleton.url_queue.pop()
        # connect to the web page
        http = httplib2.Http()
            status, response = http.request(url)
        except Exception:
        # add the link to download the images
        # crawl the web page and fetch the links within
        # the main page
        bs = BeautifulSoup(response, "html.parser")
        for link in BeautifulSoup.findAll(bs, 'a'):
            link_url = link.get('href')
            if not link_url:
            # parse the fetched link
            parsed = urlparse(link_url)
            # skip the link, if it leads to an external page
            if parsed.netloc and parsed.netloc != parsed_url.netloc:
            scheme = parsed_url.scheme
            netloc = parsed.netloc or parsed_url.netloc
            path = parsed.path
            # construct a full url
            link_url = scheme +'://' +netloc + path
            # skip, if the link is already added
            if link_url in parser_crawlersingleton.visited_url:
            # Add the new link fetched,
            # so that the while loop continues with next iteration.
            parser_crawlersingleton.url_queue = [link_url] +\
class ParallelDownloader(threading.Thread):
    """ Download the images parallelly """
    def __init__(self, thread_id, name, counter):
        threading.Thread.__init__(self) = name
    def run(self):
        print('Starting thread',
        # function to download the images
        print('Finished thread',
def download_images(thread_name):
    # singleton instance
    singleton = CrawlerSingleton()
    # visited_url has a set of URLs.
    # Here we will fetch each URL and
    # download the images in it.
    while singleton.visited_url:
        # pop the url to download the images
        url = singleton.visited_url.pop()
        http = httplib2.Http()
        print(thread_name, 'Downloading images from', url)
            status, response = http.request(url)
        except Exception:
        # parse the web page to find all images
        bs = BeautifulSoup(response, "html.parser")
        # Find all <img> tags
        images = BeautifulSoup.findAll(bs, 'img')
        for image in images:
            src = image.get('src')
            src = urljoin(url, src)
            basename = os.path.basename(src)
            print('basename:', basename)
            if basename != '':
                if src not in singleton.image_downloaded:
                    print('Downloading', src)
                    # Download the images to local system
                    urllib.request.urlretrieve(src, os.path.join('images', basename))
                    print(thread_name, 'finished downloading images from', url)
def main():
    # singleton instance
    crwSingltn = CrawlerSingleton()
    # adding the url to the queue for parsing
    crwSingltn.url_queue = [main_url]
    # initializing a set to store all visited URLs
    # for downloading images.
    crwSingltn.visited_url = set()
    # initializing a set to store path of the downloaded images
    crwSingltn.image_downloaded = set()
    # invoking the method to crawl the website
    ## create images directory if not exists
    if not os.path.exists('images'):
    thread1 = ParallelDownloader(1, "Thread-1", 1)
    thread2 = ParallelDownloader(2, "Thread-2", 2)
    # Start new threads
if __name__ == "__main__":
    main_url = ("")
    parsed_url = urlparse(main_url)

Let’s look into the downloaded images and python shell output.

Downloaded Images

Python Shell Output


Singleton pattern is a design pattern in Python that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object. It can limit concurrent access to a shared resource, and also it helps to create a global point of access for a resource. 

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