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Simple Attendance Tracker using Python

In many colleges, we have an attendance system for each subject, and the lack of the same leads to problems. It is difficult for students to remember the number of leaves taken for a particular subject. If every time paperwork has to be done to track the number of leaves taken by staff and check whether it is a lack of attendance or not, it involves a lot of time and is inefficient too. 

This article will bring a simple tracker & reminder system for attendance. The input to this system is an excel sheet containing the students’ mail-id and their number of leaves in each class subject. For say, if a student will not be allowed to write the exam for a particular subject if he takes more than 3 leaves. This tracker will send out an email to the student when he takes the second leave as a reminder that only 1 more left with him on that subject. If he takes further leave, both the student and the corresponding staff receive emails regarding the lack of attendance. The only thing to do is just enter the subject code and roll number of the student absent from the class and the rest will be taken care of by this tracker system.

Python Modules Used

Install the following modules using pip or conda commands.

Dataset in Use:

The Excel sheet should contain the following data:

For this article, consider three subjects and their codes as numbers for input: 

Initially, the Excel sheet should look like this:

Gmail ID for sending mail

It is advisable to create a separate mail ID for use as the sender, as Google blocks less secure apps from signing in to Gmail. Certain permissions have to be given for sending the mail which is risky to do with a personal mail ID. If you do not give permissions you will end up with “bad credentials” error and will receive an email, as you see in the screenshot below:

To avoid these issues, follow the steps below:

Now all the prerequisites are ready. A Python script has to be written for tracking. Let us do it step by step.

Stepwise Implementation

def savefile():'<your-path>\attendance.xlsx')

def check(no_of_days, row_num, b):
  # to use the globally declared lists and strings
    global staff_mails
    global l2
    global l3

Example : 

If the parameters are [1,1,2,3] , [1,2,3,4] , 1

no_of_days : [1,1,2,3] – total number of leaves till date taken by each student in the next list.

row_num : [1,2,3,4] – roll numbers absent for today.

b: 1 – Subject Code : here Computer Intelligence

# for students
def mailstu(li, msg):
    from_id = ''
    s = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)
    s.login(from_id, pwd)
    # for each student to warn send mail
    for i in range(0, len(li)):
        to_id = li[i]
        message = MIMEMultipart()
        message['Subject'] = 'Attendance report'
        message.attach(MIMEText(msg, 'plain'))
        content = message.as_string()
        s.sendmail(from_id, to_id, content)
    print("mail sent to students")
# for staffs
def mailstaff(mail_id, msg):
    from_id = ''
    pwd = 'XXXXXXXX'
    to_id = mail_id
    message = MIMEMultipart()
    message['Subject'] = 'Lack of attendance report'
    message.attach(MIMEText(msg, 'plain'))
    s = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)
    s.login(from_id, pwd)
    content = message.as_string()
    s.sendmail(from_id, to_id, content)
    print('Mail Sent to staff')

The complete implementation following the above approach is given below.

Example: Simple attendance tracker 

import openpyxl
import smtplib
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
# loading the excel sheet
book = openpyxl.load_workbook('D:\\attendance.xlsx')
# Choose the sheet
sheet = book['Sheet1']
# counting number of rows / students
r = sheet.max_row
# variable for looping for input
resp = 1
# counting number of columns / subjects
c = sheet.max_column
# list of students to remind
l1 = []
# to concatenate list of roll numbers with
# lack of attendance
l2 = ""
# list of roll numbers with lack of attendance
l3 = []
# staff mail ids
staff_mails = ['', '']
# Warning messages
m1 = "warning!!! you can take only one more day leave for CI class"
m2 = "warning!!! you can take only one more day leave for python class"
m3 = "warning!!! you can take only one more day leave for DM class"
def savefile():'D:\\attendance.xlsx')
def check(no_of_days, row_num, b):
    # to use the globally declared lists and strings
    global staff_mails
    global l2
    global l3
    for student in range(0, len(row_num)):
        # if total no.of.leaves equals threshold
        if no_of_days[student] is 2:
            if b is 1:
                # mail_id appending
                l1.append(sheet.cell(row=row_num[student], column=2).value)
                mailstu(l1, m1)  # sending mail
            elif b is 2:
                l1.append(sheet.cell(row=row_num[student], column=2).value)
                mailstu(l1, m2)
                l1.append(sheet.cell(row=row_num[student], column=2).value)
                mailstu(l1, m3)
        # if > threshold
        elif no_of_days[student] > 2:
            if b is 1:
                # adding roll no
                l2 = l2+str(sheet.cell(row=row_num[student], column=1).value)
                # student mail_id appending
                l3.append(sheet.cell(row=row_num[student], column=2).value)
                subject = "CI"  # subject based on the code number
            elif b is 2:
                l2 = l2+str(sheet.cell(row=row_num[student], column=1).value)
                l3.append(sheet.cell(row=row_num[student], column=2).value)
                subject = "Python"
                l2 = l2+str(sheet.cell(row=row_num[student], column=1).value)
                l3.append(sheet.cell(row=row_num[student], column=2).value)
                subject = "Data mining"
        # If threshold crossed, modify the message
        if l2 != "" and len(l3) != 0:
            # message for student
            msg1 = "you have lack of attendance in " + subject + " !!!"
            # message for staff
            msg2 = "the following students have lack of attendance in your subject : "+l2
            mailstu(l3, msg1)  # mail to students
            staff_id = staff_mails[b-1# pick respective staff's mail_id
            mailstaff(staff_id, msg2)  # mail to staff
# for students
def mailstu(li, msg):
    from_id = ''
    pwd = 'ERAkshaya485'
    s = smtplib.SMTP('', 587, timeout=120)
    s.login(from_id, pwd)
    # for each student to warn send mail
    for i in range(0, len(li)):
        to_id = li[i]
        message = MIMEMultipart()
        message['Subject'] = 'Attendance report'
        message.attach(MIMEText(msg, 'plain'))
        content = message.as_string()
        s.sendmail(from_id, to_id, content)
    print("mail sent to students")
# for staff
def mailstaff(mail_id, msg):
    from_id = ''
    pwd = 'ERAkshaya485'
    to_id = mail_id
    message = MIMEMultipart()
    message['Subject'] = 'Lack of attendance report'
    message.attach(MIMEText(msg, 'plain'))
    s = smtplib.SMTP('', 587, timeout=120)
    s.login(from_id, pwd)
    content = message.as_string()
    s.sendmail(from_id, to_id, content)
    print('Mail Sent to staff')
while resp is 1:
    # enter the correspondingnumber
    y = int(input("enter subject :"))
    # no.of.absentees for that subject
    no_of_absentees = int(input('no.of.absentees :'))
    if(no_of_absentees > 1):
        x = list(map(int, (input('roll nos :').split(' '))))
        x = [int(input('roll no :'))]
    # list to hold row of the student in Excel sheet
    row_num = []
    # list to hold total no.of leaves
    # taken by ith student
    no_of_days = []
    for student in x:
        for i in range(2, r+1):
            if y is 1:
                if sheet.cell(row=i, column=1).value is student:
                    m = sheet.cell(row=i, column=3).value
                    m = m+1
                    sheet.cell(row=i, column=3).value = m
            elif y is 2:
                if sheet.cell(row=i, column=1).value is student:
                    m = sheet.cell(row=i, column=4).value
                    m = m+1
                    sheet.cell(row=i, column=4).value = m+1
            elif y is 3:
                if sheet.cell(row=i, column=1).value is student:
                    m = sheet.cell(row=i, column=5).value
                    m = m+1
                    sheet.cell(row=i, column=5).value = m+1
    check(no_of_days, row_num, y)
    resp = int(input('another subject ? 1---->yes 0--->no'))


enter subject :1
no.of.absentees :2
roll nos :1 3
another subject ? 1---->yes 0--->no 1
enter subject :1
no.of.absentees :1
roll no :1
mail sent to students
another subject ? 1---->yes 0--->no 1
enter subject :1
no.of.absentees :1
roll no :1
mail sent to students
Mail Sent to staff
another subject ? 1---->yes 0--->no 0

Points to remember before executing:

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