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Building a Simple Application using KivyMD in Python

KivyMD is an extension of the Kivy framework. KivyMD is a collection of Material Design widgets for use with Kivy, a GUI framework for making mobile applications. It is similar to the Kivy framework but provides a more attractive GUI. In this article, we will see how to make a simple application in KivyMD using Screen, Label, TextFieldInput, and Button.


In order to start KivyMD, you must first install the Kivy framework on your computer. It can be installed using the below command:

pip install kivymd

Widgets Used:

We need to import the below widgets using kivyMD.uix library:

MDLabel(text, halign, theme_text_color, text_color, font_style)


  • text- The text we want to put on the label.
  • halign- The position where we want to put the label.
  • theme_text_color- The theme for text colors like custom, primary, secondary, hint, or error.
  • text_color- If theme_text_color is custom we can assign text color to an RGB tuple.
  • font_style- Like caption, headings.

MDTextField(text, pos_hint)

  • text- The text we want to put in the TextField.
  • pos_hint- A dictionary having the position with respect to x-axis and y-axis.

MDRectangleFlatButton(text, pos_hint, on_release)

  • text- The text we want to put on the button.
  • pos_hint- A dictionary having the position with respect to the x-axis and y-axis.
  • on_release- It is a function that has the properties that we want to call on clicking the button.

Let’s see the code for creating the simple app using the above-stated widgets and then we will discuss the code in detail.

# importing all necessary modules
# like MDApp, MDLabel Screen, MDTextField
# and MDRectangleFlatButton
from import MDApp
from kivymd.uix.label import MDLabel
from kivymd.uix.screen import Screen
from kivymd.uix.textfield import MDTextField
from kivymd.uix.button import MDRectangleFlatButton
# creating Demo Class(base class)
class Demo(MDApp):
    def build(self):
        screen = Screen()
        # defining label with all the parameters
        l = MDLabel(text="HI PEOPLE!", halign='center',
                    text_color=(0.5, 0, 0.5, 1),
        # defining Text field with all the parameters
        name = MDTextField(text="Enter name", pos_hint={
                           'center_x': 0.8, 'center_y': 0.8},
                           size_hint_x=None, width=100)
        # defining Button with all the parameters
        btn = MDRectangleFlatButton(text="Submit", pos_hint={
                                    'center_x': 0.5, 'center_y': 0.3},
        # adding widgets to screen
        # returning the screen
        return screen
    # defining a btnfun() for the button to
    # call when clicked on it
    def btnfunc(self, obj):
        print("button is pressed!!")
if __name__ == "__main__":





When the button is pressed it displays the following output in the command prompt:






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