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Short-Pause Garbage Collection

Compiler design is a complicated field. It’s long, it’s technical, and it often involves trade-offs between various features and performance. But one particular set of design choices can cause problems for your program’s garbage collector (GC). That decision is: do you use short-pause GC or long-pause GC? In this article, we will discuss why there are issues with using short pauses in the compiler, what options are available if we want to use them despite these issues, and how to avoid those issues entirely.

Incremental Garbage Collection:

Incremental garbage collection is a technique for garbage collection that is used in programming languages. In incremental garbage collection, objects are not immediately marked as garbage; instead, the garbage collector marks the object as garbage when it determines that the object is no longer referenced. The time needed to perform this check can be significant if you have many objects and they are all owned by different threads or processes. The memory usage of each thread/process would increase significantly under such conditions because it spends time checking references against each other’s objects (not just its own).

This is where the stop-the-world garbage collection technique comes into play. It can be used when you are dealing with many threads or processes that are sharing memory, and all of them need to be stopped for a brief period of time so that the garbage collector can do its work and determine which objects in memory are no longer referenced by anything else.

The stop-the-world technique is a garbage collection method in which all threads are temporarily stopped while the garbage collector performs its task. All objects that are not referenced by another object in memory are considered garbage, and their memory is freed up so it can be used again by other applications or processes.

Incremental Reachability Analysis:

Incremental reachability analysis is a technique for keeping track of which objects are reachable from the root set. At each garbage collection, we want to know which objects in our program are reachable and so we can stop collecting from them. In compilers, incremental reachability analysis has been used to keep track of variables that are used in one function (and therefore not collectible) within another function where they may be referenced later on.

This is used because it allows us to collect garbage earlier. Reachability analysis can also be used to find cycles in the data structures, which is one way of identifying potential problems with deadlock or livelock in concurrent programs.

The problem is that we don’t just want to know which objects are reachable from the root set, we also want to know where in our program these objects are referenced. A simple way would be to store all references that point into the heap somewhere (say in a table), but this would be very expensive as it would require many memory writes and reads for each object allocation or deallocation.

What we need is a way to keep track of references that point into the heap without having to store them somewhere else. This allows us to perform reachability analysis on our data structures very quickly and efficiently since all we need to do is compare two pointers and see whether they point to the same object or not.

Partial-Collection Basics:

A partial-collection algorithm is one that can collect only some of the garbage. This means that it must be able to distinguish between live objects and dead objects, and it also has to keep track of what objects are alive so that they don’t get collected again later.

The most common way to implement a partial collection algorithm is by creating two phases: first comes an old generation (O), which collects all live objects; then comes a young generation (Y), which doesn’t collect any objects until they’re no longer needed. This works well when there are lots of pointers in your data structures—it’s just like using two different scanners with one being able to identify live objects while another doesn’t stop scanning until its task is complete!

Generational Garbage collection:

Generational garbage collection is a technique for reducing the number of objects that must be examined. The idea is to divide objects into generations and collect only one generation at a time.

The first step in generational garbage collection is to identify which objects are reachable from each other (i.e., they can be reached by following references). This can be done by marking an object’s root object as either young or old, depending on whether it has been accessed recently enough not to have any pointers pointing back into its own generation yet; there’s no need for this decision when collecting all kinds of references together because then there would only be one set of pointers per age class instead of two sets (one for each cycle). After identifying what should stay alive forever according to their ages relative to previously collected generations’ lifetimes, we know how many more generations we have left before reaching our goal – namely zero since everything else has already been put away somewhere else behind us!

Generational garbage collection is very efficient in terms of both time and space. It can be implemented with much less overhead than other kinds of collectors because it doesn’t need to keep track of the number or types of objects that are alive at any given moment, nor does it need to examine all live objects in order to find those that are no longer needed.

The Train Algorithm:

The train algorithm is a form of generational garbage collection, which means that it computes a new generation every time the heap grows larger than its previous size and then copies objects from older generations into newer ones. This process can be repeated until there are no more live objects in any one generation. In order to avoid copying data unnecessarily, this algorithm relies on an assumption that most objects will survive many collections without being moved again.

This means that it is only necessary to copy objects from the old generation into the new one if there are live objects in both generations. This assumption is usually correct because most programs have many more live objects than dead ones.

This algorithm is known as an “ephemeral collector” because it recycles objects that are no longer needed by the program. It is also known as a “generational collector” because it splits memory into different generations, each of which has a different size and purpose. The youngest generation consists only of new objects; older generations contain objects that were copied from earlier ones.


Garbage collection is an important part of compiler design because it plays a role in performance and programmer productivity. As we discussed, the train algorithm is one of the most efficient and scalable GC(garbage collection) algorithms, but it has its limits due to its reliance on mark-sweep garbage collection. In this article, we explored the tradeoffs involved in short-pause garbage collection by looking at both incremental reachability analysis and partial collections. With these methods—and others—you can create compilers that are more efficient than those using mark-sweep garbage collection alone.

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