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Shopping Cart Project Using C Language

Online Shopping applications are one of the favorite applications out of all online applications. It is a very much used application in everyone’s life. So, Let’s try to create a Shopping cart using C language which can perform basic tasks for us.

The functionality of the Shopping Cart

Although online Shopping has many functionalities we can’t include all of them. So, a few Functionalities of the shopping cart can use are mentioned below:

  1. Signup
  2. Login
  3. Search items
  4. Bill

Approach and Functionality

Signup Functionality

This is the main function for a signup, Here we will check whether the account exists or not if not we will create a new account Following are the functionalities: Inputs are username, age, email, password, confirm the password, and mobile number.
Validate the inputs input data should be valid otherwise account will not create. After successful signup, you will be directly redirected to the login page


This function implements the login features of our project. While login in, the Email, and Password are validated and checked whether it is already signed up. After the successful login, there is an option to choose either Search_by_items or search by shops.

Order by Shop

In this functionality, the item is placed after selecting any shop. Once the shop is selected the list of items is displayed with their respective costs. Once the item is selected, you need to go to the option Select Cart for the successful ordering of the items.


This function will show you the Total cost of your order

Data Input Conditions

Conditions for the data to be input on Sign up page are mentioned below:

  1. Name: must contain the alphabet.
  2. Age: must be greater than and not equal to 0.
  3. Email: must contain @, a comma, and length should be greater than 5.
  4. Passwords: must contain lengths between 8 to 12 with at least one uppercase, lowercase, number, and special character. Both password and confirm password should be the same.
  5. Mobile numbers: should contain numbers and exactly 10 digits.

Login Page

The login page asks about the data before we can enter the main home page where we can shop. The data to be inserted are Email and Password. Both email and password should be matching with the data entry or the process to log in will fail.

Main Program:

// C Program to implement
// Shopping Cart
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
// Structure declared for storing
// details
struct details {
    char uname[50];
    int age;
    char password[100];
    char email[100];
    char mobile[10];
// Structure to store details about
// shops
struct Shops {
    char shop[100];
    char item1[20];
    char item2[20];
    char item3[20];
    char item4[25];
    int first, second, third, fourth;
// Array of Structure declared
struct Shops m[5];
struct details s[100];
void signup();
void account_validate();
int validate();
void login();
void cart();
void shop();
void items();
void item_order(int item);
void shop_initialize();
void Shop(int shop_choice);
// Global variables declared
char t_name[100], t_password1[100];
char t_password2[100], t_email[100];
char t_mobile[100];
int flag = 1, i, j = 0, count = 0, caps = 0;
int Small = 0,total = 0 ,success = 0,special = 0, numbers = 0;
int x, choice,t_age,  item_choice, n,shop_choice, search_choice, confirm,ch, item, shop_id;
// Driver code
int main()
    // Loop while till which runs till break is called
    while (1) {
        // First Page
        printf("\n\n\t******************Welcome to Shop "
        // Asking for choice
        printf("\n\n\nEnter your choice : ");
        scanf("%d", &choice);
        // Switch used to check the input
        // choice
        switch (choice) {
        case 1: {
            // Signup function called
        case 2: {
            // Login function called
        case 3: {
                "\n\t*************************Thank you "
                "Visit Again***********************\n\n");
            // close the program
            return 0;
        default: {
            // Choice entered is not correct
            printf("\n\nPlease enter valid choice!!\n");
// Signup function declared
void signup()
           "Welcome to Signup "
    // Taking name as input
    printf("\tEnter Your name : ");
    scanf("%s", t_name);
    // Taking email as input
    printf("\tEnter Your Email : ");
    scanf("%s", t_email);
    // Taking password as input
    printf("\tEnter Password : ");
    scanf("%s", t_password1);
    // Taking Confirm Password as input
    printf("\tConfirm Password : ");
    scanf("%s", t_password2);
    // Taking Mobile number as input
    printf("\tEnter Your Mobile Number : ");
    scanf("%s", t_mobile);
    // Taking Age as input
    printf("\tEnter Your Age : ");
    scanf("%d", &t_age);
    x = validate();
    if (x == 1) {
        // Calling account_validate to check
        // if entered details follows the defined
        // rules
        // login function appears
// Signup process
int validate()
    // Name Validation
    for (i = 0; t_name[i] != '\0'; i++) {
        if (!((t_name[i] >= 'a' && t_name[i] <= 'z')
              || (t_name[i] >= 'A' && t_name[i] <= 'Z'))) {
            printf("\nPlease enter the valid Name!\n");
            flag = 0;
    if (flag == 1) {
        count = 0;
        // Email ID Validation
        for (i = 0; t_email[i] != '\0'; i++) {
            if (t_email[i] == '@' || t_email[i] == '.')
        if (count >= 2 && strlen(t_email) >= 5) {
            // Password Validation
            if (!strcmp(t_password1, t_password2)) {
                if (strlen(t_password1) >= 8
                    && strlen(t_password1) <= 12) {
                    caps = 0;
                    Small = 0;
                    numbers = 0;
                    special = 0;
                    for (i = 0; t_password1[i] != '\0';
                         i++) {
                        if (t_password1[i] >= 'A'
                            && t_password1[i] <= 'Z')
                        else if (t_password1[i] >= 'a'
                                 && t_password1[i] <= 'z')
                        else if (t_password1[i] >= '0'
                                 && t_password1[i] <= '9')
                        else if (t_password1[i] == '@'
                                 || t_password1[i] == '&'
                                 || t_password1[i] == '#'
                                 || t_password1[i] == '*')
                    if (caps >= 1 && Small >= 1
                        && numbers >= 1 && special >= 1) {
                        // Age Validation
                        if (t_age != 0 && t_age > 0) {
                            // Mobile Validation
                            if (strlen(t_mobile) == 10) {
                                for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                                    if (t_mobile[i] >= '0'
                                        && t_mobile[i]
                                               <= '9') {
                                        success = 1;
                                    else {
                                            "Enter Valid ");
                                            "Mobile "
                                        return 0;
                                // Success flag to know
                                // every inputs are valid
                                if (success == 1)
                                    return 1;
                            else {
                                printf("\n\nPlease Enter "
                                       "the 10 digit "
                                       "mobile number\n\n");
                                return 0;
                        else {
                            printf("\n\nPlease Enter the "
                                   "valid age\n\n");
                            return 0;
                    else {
                            "\n\nPlease Enter the strong "
                            "password, Your password must "
                            "contain atleast one "
                            "uppercase,Lowercase, Number "
                            "and special character\n\n ");
                        return 0;
                else {
                    printf("\nYour Password is very "
                           "short\nLength must  between 8 "
                           "to 12\n\n");
                    return 0;
            else {
                printf("\nPassword Mismatch\n\n");
                return 0;
        else {
            printf("\nPlease Enter Valid E-Mail\n\n");
            return 0;
// Account Validation
void account_validate()
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        // Check account already exist
        if (!(strcmp(t_email, s[i].email)
              && strcmp(t_password1, s[i].password))) {
            printf("\n\nAccount Already Existed. Please "
                   "Login !\n\n");
    // If no account present it creates
    if (i == 100) {
        strcpy(s[j].uname, t_name);
        s[j].age = t_age;
        strcpy(s[j].password, t_password1);
        strcpy(s[j].email, t_email);
        strcpy(s[j].mobile, t_mobile);
        printf("\n\n\nAccount Successfully Created!\n\n");
// Login function
void login()
           "Welcome to Login "
    printf("\t Enter Your Email: ");
    // Askinf for email
    scanf("%s", t_email);
    printf("\t Enter Your Password: ");
    // Asking for your Password
    scanf("%s", t_password1);
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        // Check whether the input email is already existed
        // or not
        if (!strcmp(s[i].email, t_email)) {
            // Check whether the password is matched with
            // the email or not
            if (!strcmp(s[i].password, t_password1)) {
                printf("\n\nWelcome %s, ", s[i].uname);
                    "Your are successfully logged in\n\n ");
                    "We Provide two ways of search : \n ");
                printf("1) Search By Shop\n ");
                printf("2) Search by item\n ");
                printf("3) Exit\n\n");
                printf("Please Enter your choice : ");
                scanf("%d", &search_choice);
                // Getting the input whether
                // the user are going to search
                // /Order by Shop or search/
                // order by item.
                switch (search_choice) {
                case 1: {
                case 2: {
                case 3: {
                    // main function called again
                default: {
                    // Choice entered is wrong
                    printf("Please Enter the valid "
            else {
                // Password entered is wrong
                printf("\n\nInvalid Password!!\n ");
                printf("Please Enter the correct "
        else {
            // If details are incorrect
            printf("\n\nAccount doesn't exist, Please "
                   "signup!!\n\n ");
// Calling shop_initialize function
void shop_initialize()
    // All the Products avaiable are being stored
    // in variables
    strcpy(m[1].shop, "Puma");
    strcpy(m[1].item1, "puma sneaker V2");
    strcpy(m[1].item2, "mens dryflex");
    strcpy(m[1].item3, "one8x puma");
    m[1].first = 3499;
    m[1].second = 2999;
    m[1].third = 5999;
    strcpy(m[2].shop, "USA");
    strcpy(m[2].item1, "US polo Tshirt");
    strcpy(m[2].item2, "Shoes");
    strcpy(m[2].item3, "shirt");
    m[2].first = 999;
    m[2].second = 2000;
    m[2].third = 1499;
    strcpy(m[3].shop, "WROGN");
    strcpy(m[3].item1, "Mens Watch");
    strcpy(m[3].item2, "mens solid jacket");
    strcpy(m[3].item3, "casusal T-shirt");
    m[3].first = 2000;
    m[3].second = 2239;
    m[3].third = 799;
// shop Function is called
void shop()
    // Shop Products are collected
    // Showing all the availableshop
    printf("\n\nPlease Choose the Shop \n\n1) %s\n2) "
           "%s\n3) %s",
           m[1].shop, m[2].shop, m[3].shop);
    printf("\n4) Exit\n\nPlease ");
    printf("select the shop\t");
    // Asking for choice
    scanf("%d", &shop_choice);
    if (shop_choice > 4) {
        printf("Please Enter the");
        printf("valid choice\n\n");
    else if (shop_choice == 4)
        // Shop function called with your choice
// Function to implement the shop
void Shop(int shop_choice)
    // total variable
    total = 0;
    while (1) {
        printf("\n\nList of items available ");
        printf("in %s\n\n1) %s --> %d\n",
               m[shop_choice].shop, m[shop_choice].item1,
        printf("2) %s --> %d\n3) %s --> %d\n",
               m[shop_choice].item2, m[shop_choice].second,
               m[shop_choice].item3, m[shop_choice].third);
        printf("4) Cart\n5) Exit\n\nPlease Enter ");
        printf("Your Choice : ");
        scanf("%d", &item_choice);
        // Get the input for no of items to calculate the
        // total amount
        if (item_choice == 1) {
            printf("Please Enter the ");
            printf("Count of %s\t", m[shop_choice].item1);
            scanf("%d", &n);
            total = total + (n * m[shop_choice].first);
        else if (item_choice == 2) {
            printf("Please Enter the Count");
            printf("of %s : ", m[shop_choice].item1);
            scanf("%d", &n);
            total = total + (n * m[shop_choice].second);
        else if (item_choice == 3) {
            printf("Please Enter the Count");
            printf("of %s : ", m[shop_choice].item3);
            scanf("%d", &n);
            total = total + (n * m[shop_choice].third);
        else if (item_choice == 4) {
        else if (item_choice == 5) {
        else {
            printf("Please Enter the");
            printf("valid Choice\n\n");
void items()
    total = 0;
    // Initialize all the Shop and their items
    while (1) {
        //Showing all the choices of items
        printf("\n\nPlease choose the ");
        printf("item\n\n1) %s /t--> %d\n2) %s/t --> %d",
               m[1].item1, m[1].first, m[1].item2,
        printf("\n3) %s/t --> %d\n4) %s/t --> %d\n",
               m[1].item3, m[1].third, m[2].item1,
        printf("5) %s/t --> %d\n6) %s/t --> %d\n",
               m[2].item2, m[2].second, m[2].item3,
        printf("7) %s/t --> %d\n8) %s/t --> %d\n",
               m[3].item1, m[3].first, m[3].item2,
        printf("9) %s/t --> %d\n10) Cart\n", m[3].item3,
        printf("11) Exit");
        printf("\nPlease Enter Your Choice : ");
        scanf("%d", &item);
        if (item > 10) {
            printf("Please Enter the ");
            printf("valid choice\n\n");
        // Moves to the cart
        else if (item == 10)
        else if (item == 11)
            // exit(1);
        // Function to get the no of items and to calculate
        // the total amount of the order.
// item_order function to process items ordered
void item_order(int item)
    if (item >= 1 && item <= 3)
        shop_id = 1;
    else if (item >= 4 && item <= 6)
        shop_id = 2;
        shop_id = 3;
    if ((item % 3) == 1) {
        // Asking for choice of product
        printf("Please Enter the");
        printf(" Count of %s : ", m[shop_id].item1);
        scanf("%d", &n);
        total = total + (n * m[shop_id].first);
    else if ((item % 3) == 2) {
        // Asking for choice of product
        printf("Please Enter the ");
        printf("Count of %s\t", m[shop_id].item2);
        scanf("%d", &n);
        total = total + (n * m[shop_id].second);
    else if ((item % 3) == 0) {
        // Asking for choice of product
        printf("Please Enter the Count of %s\t",
        scanf("%d", &n);
        total = total + (n * m[shop_id].third);
// Function to implement the cart
void cart()
    // details about the products in cart
    printf("\n\nYour Total Order Amount is : %d\n", total);
    printf("\n\nDo You wish to order (y=1/n=0) : ");
    scanf("%d", &ch);
    if (ch == 1) {
        printf("\n\nThank You for your Order");
        printf("\nYour item is on the way. Welcome again "
               "\n\n ");
    else if (ch == 0) {
        printf("To cancel Your Order = 1 \nTo Exit = 0  ");
        printf("Select option : ");
        scanf("%d", &confirm);
        if (confirm == 1) {
            printf("\n\nOops! Your item is cancelled!! "
            printf("Thank You visit again!\n");
        else {
            // Product is bought
            printf("\n\n\t\t************Thank "
    else {
        // Asking for choice
        printf("\n\nPlease Enter the correct choice\n\n ");


Welcome Page:

First Page of C

Sign Up:

Sign Up Page in C

Login Page:

Login Page in C

List of Shops and Items:

List of Shops and Items 

Bill Generated:

Bill Generated

Article Tags :