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Sharded Cluster Components in MongoDB

MongoDB’s sharding capability enables horizontal scaling by distributing data across multiple servers or “shards.” Understanding the components of a sharded cluster is crucial for managing and scaling database infrastructure efficiently.

In this article, We will explores the key components of a sharded cluster in MongoDB, including shards, primary shards, config servers, and mongos instances.

Sharded Cluster Components in MongoDB

1. Shards

2. Primary Shard

3. Config Servers

Config Servers and Read/Write Operations

Write Operations

Read Operations

3. Mongos

4. Routing and Results


In MongoDB, a sharded cluster uses various important parts to handle large amounts of data and ensure the system can grow and stay operational even if parts of it fail.. Shards allow for horizontal scaling, while primary shards store metadata and manage unsharded collections. Config servers store cluster metadata and manage authentication, authorization, and concurrency control.

Mongos instances act as interfaces between client applications and the sharded cluster, handling query routing and result aggregation. Together, these components form a robust foundation for building scalable and efficient MongoDB deployments capable of handling large and growing data sets.

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