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Selenium Interview Questions

Welcome to our guide about Selenium Interview Questions! In the world of software testing, where accuracy is crucial, automation testing is key. Unlike manual testing done by humans, automation testing uses special tools to run sets of test cases. This method not only speeds up testing but also lets testers focus on complex scenarios, ensuring software applications are strong and reliable.

In this article, we'll explore automated testing, with a focus on Selenium, one of the most popular tools. Whether you're a seasoned pro refreshing your knowledge or getting ready for a software tester interview, our list of 50 Selenium Interview Questions is here to help you in your next Interview.


Selenium Interview Questions

In the software industry, automation testing has become very important. Professionals in this field play a crucial role in making sure that projects are completed on time. Collaboration with development teams is crucial for success, and automation testing experts are essential contributors to software projects. As you get ready for your upcoming Selenium interview, it's crucial to have a solid understanding of key concepts and techniques.

This Article is here to help you prepare by providing a carefully selected set of the top Selenium Interview Questions. These questions range from basic to advanced and are intermediate for individuals at different experience levels – whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or experienced. By going through this resource, you can strengthen your knowledge, boost your confidence, and stand out in your Selenium interview.

Selenium Interview Questions for Freshers

Explore this section to get a hand on Selenium Interview Questions for freshers.

1. What is Selenium?

Selenium is a free open-source automation testing framework used to test web applications across different browsers and platforms. It can be used to test only web applications, desktop and mobile applications cannot be tested. Multiple programming languages like Java, C#, Python, etc can be used.

2. What are the Selenium Suit Components?

Selenium Suit Componants are as follows:

  1. Selenium IDE: Selenium IDE is a Firefox plugin that allows to recording and playback of scripts. Selenium IDE does not support parallel or remote test case execution. The test case execution is very slow and the report generation step for the test cases is not good as compared to the other components.
  2. Selenium RC: Selenium RC is officially deprecated. It is based on Java-Script and does not support record and playback features.
  3. Selenium WebDriver: Selenium WebDriver is a browser automation framework that directly communicates with the browser and controls it. It accepts commands and sends them to the browser. It supports various programming languages like Java, Python, C#, PHP, Pearl, etc.
  4. Selenium Grid: Selenium Grid runs tests on different machines against different browsers in parallel.

3. What are the Advantages of Using Selenium as an Automation Testing Tool?

  1. Open Source: Selenium is an open-source automation framework that is publicly available and free to use. It also allows to customize the code for easier management and to improve the functionality of present methods and classes.
  2. Multi-Browser Support: Selenium supports multiple browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc. This means there is no need to write a script for every browser as one script is required for all browsers.
  3. Easy to Implement: Selenium is an easy-to-use automation framework that provides a user-friendly interface that helps users create and execute test scripts easily.
  4. Flexibility: Selenium features like regrouping and retracting test cases help developers and testers in quick changes to the code, reducing duplication, and improving maintainability.
  5. Parallel Test Execution: Selenium grid supports parallel test execution that reduces the test execution time. This helps to save time and effort.

4. Differentiate Between Manual Testing and Automated Testing.

The Differentiate Between Manual Testing and Automated Testing are as follows:

ParametersManual TestingAutomation Testing
DefinitionIn manual testing, the test cases are executed by the human tester.In automated testing, the test cases are executed by the software tools.
Processing Time Manual testing is time-consuming.Automation testing is faster than manual testing.
Resources requirementManual testing takes up human resources.Automation testing takes up automation tools and trained employees.
Exploratory testingExploratory testing is possible in manual testing.Exploratory testing is not possible in automation testing.
Framework requirementManual testing doesn’t use frameworks.Automation testing uses frameworks like Data Drive,

4. What are the limitations of Selenium Testing?

  1. Lacks in-built reporting capability: Selenium does not have any inbuilt reporting capability. Plugins like JUnit, and TestNG have to be used for test reports.
  2. Image testing not possible: Selenium provides no support for testing images. It must be integrated with Sikuli for image-based testing.
  3. Handling pop-up windows: Handling pop-up windows is beyond Selenium testing capabilities. AutoIT needs to be used to handle the window-based pop-ups.
  4. No support for testing mobile apps: Selenium does not support testing mobile applications and Windows applications. The tester needs to use Appium to handle the Android and iOS apps.
  5. Open-source: Since Selenium is open-source, one has to rely on community forums to get technical issues resolved.

5. What are Selenese/Selenium Commands?

Selenese is the language that is used to write Selenium Commands to test web applications. It is based on the HTML tags of the UI elements. The tester can test the broken links, the existence of some objects on the UI, Alerts, windows, etc.

6. List the Different Testing Types Supported by Selenium.

Selenium supports Regression Testing and Functional Testing.

  1. Regression Testing: Regression testing is a full or partial selection of already executed test cases that are re-executed to ensure that the existing functionality works fine.
  2. Functional Testing: Functional testing involves the verification of every function of the application with the required specification.

7. What is Implicit Wait in Selenium?

Implicit Wait in Selenium directs the Selenium WebDriver to wait for a certain measure of time before throwing an exception. Once the command is run, Implicit wait remains for the entire duration for which the browser is open.

8. What is Explicit Wait in Selenium?

Explicit wait in Selenium allows us to wait for a specific condition to be met before continuing test execution. An exception is thrown if the condition is not met within the specified time.

9. What is Fluent Wait in Selenium?

Fluent Wait in Selenium marks the maximum amount of time for Selenium WebDriver to wait for a certain condition to become visible.

10. What is Selenium Grid?

11. What is an XPath?

12. What is an Absolute XPath?

13. What is a Relative XPath?

14. What is Selenium WebDriver?

15. What are the Types of Locators Used in Selenium?

Locators in Selenium are tools to find and interact with elements on a webpage. There are eight types:

  1. id(): Unique identifier for a web element.
  2. name(): Locates elements based on the 'name' attribute.
  3. className(): Finds elements with a specific class attribute.
  4. tagName(): Locates elements based on their HTML tag.
  5. linkText(): Used for links with unique visible text.
  6. partialLinkText(): Matches links with a part of their visible text.
  7. cssSelector(): A faster and widely used locator for complex selections.
  8. XPath Components(): Finds elements using a path with tags, attributes, and text. It has two types: Absolute XPath and Relative XPath.

16. What is test Automation or Automation Testing?

Automated Testing is a technique where the Tester writes scripts on their own and uses suitable Software or Automation Tool to test the software. It is an Automation Process of a Manual Process. It allows for executing repetitive tasks without the intervention of a Manual Tester.

17. What are the Advantages of Automation testing?

Advantages of Automated Testing:

  1. Automated testing improves the coverage of testing as automated execution of test cases is faster than manual execution.
  2. Automated testing reduces the dependability of testing on the availability of the test engineers.
  3. Automated testing provides round the clock coverage as automated tests can be run all time in 24*7 environment.
  4. Automated testing takes far less resources in execution as compared to manual testing.
  5. It helps to train the test engineers to increase their knowledge by producing a repository of different tests.

18. What are the Limitations of Selenium Testing?

Limitations of Selenium Webdriver:

19. What is the Difference between Selenium 2.0 and Selenium 3.0?

Selenium 2.0 streamlined creating automated tests for web applications by combining the original Selenium project with the WebDriver project. While Selenium Remote Control (RC) became outdated after the merge, it was still supported for a while to ensure existing tests wouldn't break.

Building upon Selenium 2.0, Selenium 3.0 brought a range of improvements. It seamlessly worked with older tests while completely removing reliance on Selenium RC. This new version also squashed bugs and made everything more reliable.

In short, Selenium 3.0 took the strengths of Selenium 2.0, fixed its issues, and made it even better for automating web tests.

20 What are the Testing Types Supported By Selenium?

Selenium is a powerful tool for automated web application testing, supporting various testing types to ensure the quality and functionality of your web applications. Here are some key testing types you can perform with Selenium:

Functional Testing:

Non-Functional Testing:

Other Supported Testing Types:

Selenium Interview Questions for Intermediate

Explore this section to get a hand on Selenium Interview Questions for Intermediate.

1. Describe the Components of Selenium.

Selenium has been in the industry for a long time and is used by automation testers all around the globe.


Components of Selenium

2. How do you Locate Elements using XPath?

1. Absolute XPath: Absolute XPath uses the root element of the HTML/XML code and is followed by all the elements that are necessary to reach the desired element. It starts with the forward slash ‘/’. Generally, Absolute XPath is not recommended because in the future any of the web elements when added or removed then Absolute XPath changes.



2. Relative XPath; In this, XPath begins with the double forward slash ‘//’ which means it can search the element anywhere on the web page. Generally, Relative Xpath is preferred as they are not complete paths from the Root node.


//input[@id = 'fakebox-input']

3. How can you Handle Multiple Windows in Selenium?

Sometimes when we click on a particular web element it opens a new window. To locate the web elements on the new window webpage, we need to shift the focus of selenium from the current page (main page) to the new page. We will try to shift the focus of selenium from one window to another new window. Here we will use the Chrome browser for which we require ChromeDriver you can download it from the official site of Selenium.

To get the IDs of different windows

import java.util.Set; 
import org.openqa.selenium.By; 
import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor; 
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; 

public class GFGIDsOfWindows { 

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException 
        // we are using chrome driver 
        System.setProperty("", "Path of chromedriver.exe"); 
        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); 

        // entering the URL 

        // to maximize the window 

        // to delete all cookies 

        // to Scroll the screen to locate element 
        JavascriptExecutor je = (JavascriptExecutor)driver; 
        je.executeScript("window.scrollBy(0, 200)"); 
        driver.findElement(By.xpath("(// span[text()='Courses at GeeksforGeeks'])[2]")).click(); 

        // to select a particular course 
        driver.findElement(By.xpath("(// h4[text()='Data Structures and Algorithms - Self Paced'])[1]")).click(); 

        // it will open with new tab 

        // getWindowHandle method to get ID of main window(parent window) 
        String Parent_id = driver.getWindowHandle(); 

        // getWindowHandle method to get ID of new window (child window) 
        Set<String> Child_id = driver.getWindowHandles(); 

        // for each loop 
        for (String a : Child_id) { 
            // it will print IDs of both window 

Here you can observe the IDs of windows are different.

CDwindow-EA925E71098EEFBB80858BE787CED1A5  (ID of main window)
CDwindow-C9078346729F1D0CF8AF12E938CE49DD (ID of new window)

Output Video 

Video Player

3. Explain Implicit and Explicit waits in Selenium.

Implicit CursorsExplicit Cursors
Implicit cursors are automatically created when select statements are executed.Explicit cursors need to be defined explicitly by the user by providing a name.
They are capable of fetching a single row at a time.Explicit cursors can fetch multiple rows.
Closes automatically after execution.Need to close after execution.
They are more vulnerable to errors such as Data errors, etc.They are less vulnerable to errors(Data errors etc.)
Provides less programmatic control to the usersThe user/Programmer has the entire control.

4. List the Difference Between Close and Quit Commands.




Execution Scope



Effect on WebDriver Session

Doesn’t terminate

Terminates along with windows

Resource Release

Closes a specific window/tab in focus

Terminates WebDriver and associated windows/tabs

Effect on Active Window/Tab

Closes the active window/tab

Closes the active window/tab

Impact on Multiple Windows/Tabs

Doesn’t affect

Closes all windows/tabs

5. How can we submit a form in Selenium?

These is how We can submit a form in Selenium:

1. Create a Form

We will create the Form which we will be using to try submitting it from the Selenium script.

2. Code to Submit a Form

we will try to get the fields in which all the data will be entered. To get the field we can find it using Id, Class, or CSS Selector. In the following code blocks, we will find the fields using ID and the submit button will be tracked using the CSS Selector.

// Java code to find the fields using ID 
// Submit button will be tracked using the CSS Selector 

import org.openqa.selenium.By; 
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; 
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; 
import org.openqa.selenium.Alert; 

public class Main { 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
    // Add External Dependency first to run the application 
        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); 


        WebElement firstName = driver.findElement("FirstName")); 
        WebElement dob = driver.findElement("DOB")); 
        WebElement email = driver.findElement("Email")); 
        WebElement inputNumber = driver.findElement("inputNumber")); 
        WebElement maleRadioButton = driver.findElement("Male")); 


        Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); 
        String alertText = alert.getText(); 

        // Check if the alert is open 
        if (alertText != null) 
            System.out.println("Alert is open, and the content is: " + alertText); 
            // You can accept the alert if needed: alert.accept(); 
            System.out.println("No alert found"); 


Below is the output of the code in which the Chrome browser loads and is redirected to the form. And quickly fills in the details and submits the form. We can see that the alert box opens up and the details are shown in the console window.


6. How to delete cookies in Selenium?

Method 1: Using the deleteAllCookies() command:






await driver.manage().deleteAllCookies()

Method 2: Going to the browser's settings:

Opening your browser's settings menu and manually emptying the cookie jar.


7. How do you work with frames in Selenium?

Frames in Selenium:

1. Finding the Frame:

2. Stepping Inside the Frame:

3. Do Your Thing:

4. Stepping Back Out:

8. Discuss the importance of Cross-Browser Testing in Selenium.

Cross-Browser Testing in Selenium:

Ensures Consistent User Experience:

Reaches Wider Audience:

Improves Quality and Reduces Risk:

Boosts Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Benefits of using Selenium for Cross-Browser Testing:

9. What are the challenges of Parallel Execution in Selenium?

Parallel execution in Selenium brings many benefits, like faster test execution and improved test coverage, but it also comes with its own set of challenges:

Test Dependencies:

Resource Management:

Other Challenges:

10. How to integrate Selenium with Jenkins for Continuous Integration?

1. Setting Up Jenkins:

2. Preparing your Selenium Tests:

3. Creating a Jenkins Job:

  1. Choose a job type: Select "Pipeline" for declarative builds or "Freestyle Project" for a more traditional configuration.
  2. Define job triggers: Choose how you want the job to run (e.g., manually, upon code changes, scheduled builds).
  3. Configure build steps:

Publish reports: Utilize plugins like "JUnit" or "XUnit" to publish test results in Jenkins dashboard.

4. Additional Considerations:

11. What is the purpose of the Page Factory in Selenium?

1. Initialization:

2. Improved Readability:

3. Maintainability:

4. Reusability:

5. Additional Features:

Overall, Page Factory plays a crucial role in making your Selenium tests more modular, readable, maintainable, and reusable. It streamlines the implementation of the POM and promotes efficient test automation practices.

12. Describe the Significance of TestNG in Selenium.

Enhanced Organization and Readability:

Powerful Features for Efficient Testing:

Improved Reporting and Debugging:

Beyond these core features, TestNG brings additional benefits:

In conclusion, TestNG's rich feature set and focus on efficient test execution make it an ideal choice for Selenium automation. It helps you write more organized, maintainable, and data-driven tests while offering valuable tools for reporting and debugging.

13. How do you handle Synchronization in Selenium WebDriver?

1. Implicit Waits:

2. Explicit Waits:

3. Fluent Waits:

4. Thread.sleep():

Remember, choosing the right waiting strategy helps Selenium work smoothly and accurately, ensuring your tests run reliably and efficiently!

14. What are the Benefits of using Selenium Grid or Selenium Tool Suite?

Here's why using Selenium Grid is a good idea:

  1. Speeding things Up: Imagine running your cleaning, cooking, and laundry all at once! Grid lets you run your tests on different browsers and devices at the same time, making them much faster, especially for long test lists.
  2. Testing Everywhere: Just like you wouldn't clean only one corner of your house, Grid lets you test your website on different browsers, operating systems, and even real devices like phones and tablets. This ensures your website works smoothly for everyone, no matter what they use.
  3. Sharing is Caring: Instead of each helper needing their own cleaning supplies, Grid shares resources efficiently. This means less waste and better use of your testing machines and browsers.
  4. Growing with you: Need more helpers for a big spring cleaning? Grid lets you easily add or remove testing machines as needed, making it flexible and adaptable to your testing needs.
  5. Saving Money: Buying lots of cleaning supplies can be expensive! Grid lets you use cloud services to test on real devices without actually buying them, saving you money.
  6. Building Something Awesome: Just like a clean and well-maintained house makes you feel good, Grid helps you catch problems in your website before they affect real users, leading to a more reliable and high-quality website.

15. Explain the Purpose of the 'assert' statement in Selenium.

Imagine Selenium as a friendly robot that's testing your website for you. It's like a teacher checking your homework, but for websites!

Here's how Selenium uses assert statements to make sure your website is working correctly:

  1. Selenium does something on the website: Like a student solving a math problem, Selenium interacts with the website, such as clicking buttons, filling forms, or reading text.
  2. Selenium expects a certain result: Just like a teacher has the answer key, you tell Selenium what the correct outcome should be after each action, like a certain message appearing or a page opening.
  3. Selenium double-checks with assert: The assert statement is like Selenium raising its hand to say "I'm done!" It compares the actual result it got with the expected outcome you provided.
  4. Test passes or fails: If everything matches, the test passes, like getting a good grade on a test! If not, the test fails, meaning something might be wrong with the website.

Selenium Interview Questions for Advance

Explore this section to get a hand on Selenium Interview Questions for Advance.

1. Explain the Limitations of Selenium.

  1. Testing what's inside: Imagine Selenium can only test things you see in a web browser. It can't directly test programs you download and install on your computer (like games or productivity apps). Tools like Appium or Sikuli are better suited for those.
  2. Mobile testing: While Selenium can test websites on phones and tablets, it can't directly interact with native mobile apps (think Instagram or banking apps). Tools like Appium can help bridge that gap.
  3. Report cards: Selenium does the testing, but it doesn't write its own report card. Tools like JUnit or TestNG can help create detailed reports for you to analyze.
  4. Fast-changing websites: If a website keeps updating its content or uses complex tricks, Selenium might struggle to keep up. You might need special tactics to handle these situations.
  5. Looking at pictures: Selenium can't compare pictures directly. If you need to test if an image looks right, tools like Sikuli or image recognition libraries can help.
  6. Website speed: While Selenium can tell you how long a page takes to load, it's not built for in-depth performance testing. Dedicated tools can give you more detailed insights and simulate heavy traffic.
  7. Security checks: Selenium can't find security vulnerabilities in your website. Specialized security testing tools are the way to go for that.
  8. Learning curve: Like any superhero, Selenium has some training required. You'll need to know programming languages and understand how websites work.
  9. Browser buddies: While Selenium works with most popular browsers, there might be hiccups with specific versions or settings. Testing across different browsers is important.
  10. Power usage: Running lots of tests or complex tasks can drain your computer's energy. Plan your testing wisely and manage resources carefully.

2. Differentiate between WebDriver and WebElement.

PurposeControls the browser itselfRepresents an element within a web page
ScopeBrowser window or tabSpecific element like a button, text field, or image
InteractionsOpens/closes browsers, navigates to URLs, refreshes pages, manages windowsClicks, enters text, retrieves text, submits forms, interacts with element attributes
Exampledriver.get("")element = driver.find_element_by_id("my_button")
AnalogyLike a remote control for your TVLike a specific button or channel on your Television
Selenium Methodsget()navigate()quit()switch_to()click()send_keys()text()get_attribute()is_displayed()

3. How do You Perform Database Testing Using Selenium?

Selenium can't peek directly into your website's database, but we can be clever detectives! Here are some ways to check the database indirectly:

  1. Action, reaction, verification:
    • Use Selenium to perform actions on the website (like adding an item to a cart).
    • Peek into the database afterwards using separate tools or queries to see if the expected changes happened. Imagine checking your bank balance after a purchase
  2. Mocking the database:
    • Think of this as setting up a fake database with controlled responses.
    • Tools like Mockito help create this "pretend database" that responds to Selenium's actions the way the real one should.
    • This lets you test how your website interacts with the database without going near the real one.
  3. Speaking the database language:
    • Libraries like JDBCTest allow you to talk directly to the database, but it's like learning a new language!
    • This gives you fine-grained control, but be prepared to put in some extra effort.
  4. Testing frameworks lend a hand:
    • Imagine Robot Framework or Cypress as assistants who already know how to talk to databases.
    • They offer shortcuts and modules to make database testing smoother within your Selenium tests.

4. Discuss the Role of the Cucumber Framework in Selenium.

Imagine trying to explain test scripts to your boss who doesn't know code? That's where Selenium and Cucumber come in, working together like a dream team for web testing!

Selenium: Think of it as a robot ninja, flawlessly controlling the browser and doing all the clicking, typing, and navigating. But for most people, its code can be like hieroglyphics!

Cucumber: Enter the superhero translator, Cucumber, who speaks plain English! It uses Gherkin, a special language that reads like a story, describing how users interact with the website. This makes tests clear for everyone, not just coding experts.

Together, they're unstoppable:

5. What are the Considerations for Headless Browser Testing in Selenium?

Headless browser testing with Selenium sounds amazing - imagine tests running super fast without needing all those open browser windows! But before you jump in, let's talk about what to watch out for:

The Good Stuff:

The Not-So-Good Stuff:

6. Examine the Challenges and Solutions of Handling Dynamic Tables.

Imagine a web page with a table that keeps changing its data, rows, or even structure. Testing that with Selenium can feel like fighting a shapeshifting monster! But worry not, we have tools and strategies to overlap these Gap.

Handling Dynamic Tables:

The Challenges:

The Solutions:

7. How to Capture Screenshots in Selenium?

Capture Screenshots in Selenium:

1. Using the TakesScreenshot Interface:

This is the most basic and widely used approach:

import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType;
import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

public class ScreenshotExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // Set up your WebDriver instance
        WebDriver driver = ...;

        // Navigate to the URL

        //screenshot of the entire page
        TakesScreenshot screenshot = (TakesScreenshot) driver;
        byte[] screenshotBytes = screenshot.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES);

        // Save the screenshot to a file
        FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(new File("screenshot.png"), screenshotBytes);

        // Quit 

2. Using Third-Party Libraries:

Libraries like Apache Commons IO and SikuliX offer additional functionalities:

3. Browser Developer Tools:

While not ideal for automated tests, browser developer tools allow manual screenshot capture during debugging.

8. What are the Benefits of Using a Data-Driven Framework in Selenium?


How it Works:

  1. Stock Your Pantry: Store your ingredients (test data) in separate containers like Excel spreadsheets, CSV files, or databases.
  2. Follow the Recipe: Your test script reads the recipe book (data), grabs the right ingredients, and uses them to cook the dish (perform actions on the website).
  3. Taste Test: Compare the final dish (actual results) with the expected taste (expected values) from the recipe book (data).

9. Explain the concept of Object Repository in Selenium.

Imagine you're a detective testing a website for clues. Memorizing the location of every door, window, and secret passage would be tough, right? That's where an object repository in Selenium comes in!

Think of it like a map:

Benefits of using this map:

10. How can you Perform Mouse Hover Actions in Selenium?

Mouse Hover Actions in Selenium:

1. Using the Actions class:

This is the most common and built-in method. Here's how it works:

// Import  libraries
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;

// Set up your WebDriver instance (e.g., ChromeDriver)
WebDriver driver = ...;

// Find the element to hover over
WebElement elementToHover = driver.findElement("hoverElement"));

// Create an Actions object
Actions actions = new Actions(driver);

// Move the mouse over the element

// For example, click on a sub-menu item"//li[text()='SubMenu Item']"))).perform();

// Quit the browser
Use code with caution. Learn more
2. Using JavaScript:

// Quit 

2. Using JavaScript:

In specific cases, you might prefer using JavaScript for more fine-grained control:

// Import necessary libraries
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

// Set up your WebDriver instance (e.g., ChromeDriver)
WebDriver driver = ...;

// Find the element to hover over
WebElement elementToHover = driver.findElement("hoverElement"));

// Cast the WebDriver to JavascriptExecutor
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;

// Execute JavaScript to hover over the element
js.executeScript("arguments[0].dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mouseover'));", elementToHover);

// Optionally, you can perform another action after hovering
// Use similar JavaScript code or Selenium methods

// Quit the browser

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