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Selecting Words : Verbal Ability Questions

Various standardized tests and assessments often measure a crucial cognitive skill that requires the ability to comprehend, scrutinize, and infer meaning from spoken or written language, known as verbal reasoning. The Verbal Reasoning Measure is an essential component of many standardized tests, including the GRE, LSAT, and MCAT. It assesses an individual’s ability to integrate verbal information to create logical inferences and evaluate arguments.

The test is presented with passages, each followed by a series of multiple-choice questions that evaluate reading comprehension, critical thinking, and analytical skills. The passages typically cover a range of topics, including social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences. Practising the verbal reasoning measure can enhance an individual’s ability to identify main ideas, make inferences, and recognize rhetorical strategies used to persuade the reader. Read below to find out more.

Why are you tested for verbal reasoning?

Tasks like problem-solving, reading comprehension, antonyms, critical thinking, analogies, synonyms, and sentence completion are included in verbal reasoning assessments. These measures evaluate language and cognitive skills related to comprehension, analysis, and conclusion-drawing from written or spoken language.

What is selecting words?

Selecting words requires you to choose the optimal word or phrase out of the given list to fill in the sentence or statement.

Why are you tested for selecting words?

Selecting words, a specific aspect of verbal reasoning, evaluates your vocabulary, comprehension, and the ability to choose the right word for a given context. This skill is valuable in real-life scenarios where precision in communication is crucial, such as when writing reports, composing emails, or engaging in professional discourse.

Steps to select the right words:

Sample Questions on Verbal Reasoning

Que 1. The chef’s signature dish is a delicious _____.

a) Disappointment

b) Failure

c) Success

d) Delicacy

Answer : d) Delicacy

Que 2. The artist’s painting was a __________ of vibrant colors.

a) Symphony

b) Chaos

c) Blend

d) Mixture

Answer: (a) Symphony

Que 3. The __________ of the matter is that we need to find a solution soon.

a) Solution

b) Complexity

c) Simplicity

d) Crux

Answer: d) Crux

Que 4. The detective followed the __________ of clues, trying to solve the mystery.

a) Cluster

b) Tangle

c) Maze

d) Trail

Answer: d) Trail

Que 5. The music had a soothing and __________ melody that put everyone at ease.

a) Jarring

b) Dissonant

c) Harmonious

d) Chaotic

Answer: c) Harmonious

Que 6. The team’s collaboration led to a ________ project.

a) Fragmented

b) Disjointed

c) Coherent

d) Chaotic

Answer: c) Coherent

Que 7. The teacher’s ________ style of teaching engaged her students.

a) Boring

b) Monotonous

c) Innovative

d) Repetitive

Answer: c) Innovative

Que 8. The decision to cut down the old trees was met with ________ from the community.

a) Applause

b) Approval

c) Resistance

d) Support

Answer: c) Resistance

Que 9. The athlete’s ________ performance set a new world record.

a) Mediocre

b) Outstanding

c) Adequate

d) Decent

Answer: b) Outstanding

Que 10. The chef’s new recipe was a ________ combination of flavors.

a) Mundane

b) Exciting

c) Bland

d) Predictable

Answer: b) Exciting

Que 11. The author’s novel was a ________ success, receiving critical acclaim.

a) Modest

b) Controversial

c) Resounding

d) Average

Answer: c) Resounding

Que 12. The company’s policy of open communication promoted a culture of ________.

a) Secrecy

b) Transparency

c) Deception

d) Evasion

Answer: b) Transparency

Que 13. The team’s ________ effort resulted in a flawless product.

a) Lackadaisical

b) Diligent

c) Haphazard

d) Careless

Answer: b) Diligent

Que 14. Her ________ argument was difficult to refute.

a) Logical

b) Irrational

c) Cogent

d) Coherent

Answer: c) Cogent

Que 15. The artist’s use of color created a ________ painting.

a) Dull

b) Vibrant

c) Fading

d) Drab

Answer: b) Vibrant

Que 16. The manager’s strict ________ ensured that deadlines were met.

a) Leniency

b) Discipline

c) Laxity

d) Permissiveness

Answer: b) Discipline

Que 17. The student’s ________ attitude toward learning hindered his progress.

a) Enthusiastic

b) Apathetic

c) Eager

d) Interested

Answer: b) Apathetic

Que 18. The comedian’s jokes were met with ________ laughter from the audience.

a) Forced

b) Genuine

c) Uncontrollable

d) Scattered

Answer: c) Uncontrollable

Que 19. The professor’s lecture was filled with ________ examples.

a) Relevance

b) Irrelevant

c) Pertinent

d) Significant

Answer: c) Pertinent

Que 20. The team’s lack of communication led to ________ in the project.

a) Efficiency

b) Clarity

c) Confusion

d) Cohesion

Answer: c) Confusion

Que 21. The candidate’s speech was filled with empty ________.

a) Promises

b) Commitments

c) Assurances

d) Guarantees

Answer: a) Promises

Que 22. The scientist’s groundbreaking discovery was a ________ moment.

a) Trivial

b) Pivotal

c) Insignificant

d) Minor

Answer: b) Pivotal

Que 23. The athlete’s dedication and hard work resulted in a ________ performance.

a) Subpar

b) Remarkable

c) Average

d) Ordinary

Answer: b) Remarkable

Que 24. The project’s ________ design impressed the clients.

a) Innovative

b) Conventional

c) Creative

d) Uninspired

Answer: a) Innovative

Que 25. The student’s ________ in studying paid off with excellent grades.

a) Procrastination

b) Dedication

c) Negligence

d) Laziness

Answer: b) Dedication


Verbal reasoning, including the skill of selecting words, is a vital aspect of cognitive abilities tested in various academic and professional settings. Developing proficiency in these skills enhances effective communication, critical thinking, and analytical reasoning, contributing to success in diverse fields.

FAQs on Verbal Reasoning

Q1. What is verbal reasoning?

Verbal reasoning is the ability to comprehend, analyze, and draw conclusions from spoken or written language, often assessed in standardized tests.

Q2. Why is verbal reasoning important?

Verbal reasoning is crucial in professional and academic settings, where effective communication, critical thinking, and analytical abilities are essential.

Q3. How can I improve my word-selection skills?

Practice reading diverse texts, expand your vocabulary, and engage in exercises that involve choosing the right words for specific contexts.

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