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Dot Situation – Non Verbal Reasoning, Tricks

Dot Situation is an interesting concept in logical thinking. It’s all about figuring out patterns and connections between dots or points arranged in different ways. This helps you solve problems, think critically, and understand complex ideas better. When you’re dealing with Dot Situation, you need to carefully look at how the dots are arranged. It’s not just about watching; you need to understand how the dots relate to each other. This goes beyond simply seeing; it involves understanding how things are positioned, finding number patterns, and figuring out cause-and-effect relationships.

Even though it might sound a bit complicated, Dot Situation has many practical uses. It’s not just for math or science; it can be handy in technology and everyday problem-solving too. Dot Situation tasks can take various forms, like arranging dots in specific ways or figuring out missing dots in a pattern. These exercises need you to be precise, pay attention to details, and think carefully and logically. Doing Dot Situation activities can help you improve your thinking skills, like recognizing patterns and making deductions. It’s like a versatile tool that can make your brain sharper and better at solving real-life problems.

In this article, We have covered the Dot Situation Question along with solved answers. and we have also covered the Dot situation tricks and more.

Dot Situation – Solved Examples

1. Select the figure which satisfies the same conditions of placement of the dots as in Figure-X.

Answer: (4)

2. Select the figure which satisfies the same conditions of placement of the dots as in Figure-X.

Answer: (3)

3. Select the figure which satisfies the same conditions of placement of the dots as in Figure-X.

Answer: (4)

4. Select the figure which satisfies the same conditions of placement of the dots as in Figure-X.

Answer: (2)

5. Select the figure which satisfies the same conditions of placement of the dots as in Figure-X.

Answer: (4)

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Tricks for Solving Dot Situation – Non Verbal Reasoning

Solving Dot Situation Question of Non Verbal Rasoning is always challenging particularly in Competitive exam. Sometimes it takes lot of time as well as effort. The following are the some of the best tricks that you can use to solve dot figure questions in reasoning:

1. Start by drawing a rough sketch of the dot figure: In order to have a good image in your mind you can draw a rough sketch of the dot figure.

2. Look for patterns or symmetry within the figure: After drawing rough sketch look for pattern or symmetry within the figure and try to imagine possible solutions.

3. Count the number of dots in each row or column of the figure: After all Count the total no to dots in each of the row / column of the figure.

FAQs on Dot Situation of Non Verbal Reasoning

1. What is dot situation in Non Verbal Reasoning?

In Non Verbal Reasoning, Dot Situations are the type of questions where few overlapping shapes and one or more dots are marked in the figure. Each figure represents the objects or thing and Candidates have to Identify the position of the successive dot’s.

2. What is Figure Classification in Non Verbal Reasoning?

Figure Classification is type of Non verbal Classification, Where some of the figures are given with similarities and differences between all those. Candidates have to find unique one.

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