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Scrapy – Command Line Tools

Prerequisite: Implementing Web Scraping in Python with Scrapy

Scrapy is a python library that is used for web scraping and searching the contents throughout the web. It uses Spiders which crawls throughout the page to find out the content specified in the selectors. Hence, it is a very handy tool to extract all the content of the web page using different selectors. 

To create a spider and make it crawl in Scrapy there are two ways, either we can create a directory which contains files and folders and write some code in one of such file and execute search command, or we can go for interacting with the spider through the command line shell of scrapy. So to interact in the shell we should be familiar with the command line tools of the scrapy.

Scrapy command-line tools provide various commands which can be used for various purposes. Let’s study each command one by one.

Creating a Scrapy Project 

First, make sure Python is installed on your system or not. Then create a virtual environment. 


Checking Python and Creating Virtualenv for scrapy directory.

We are using a virtual environment to save the memory since we globally download such a large package to our system then it will consume a lot of memory, and also we will not require this package a lot until if you are focused to go ahead with it.

To activate the virtual environment just created we have to first enter the Scripts folder and then run the activate command

cd Scripts




Activating the virtual environment

Then we have to run the below-given command to install scrapy from pip and then the next command to create scrapy project named GFGScrapy.

# This is the command to install scrapy in virtual env. created above

pip install scrapy

# This is the command to start a scrapy project.

scrapy startproject GFGScrapy


Creating the scrapy project

Now we’re going to create a spider in scrapy. To that spider, we should input the URL of the site which we want to Scrape.

Directory structure

# change the directory to that where the scrapy project is made.

cd GFGScrapy

# input the URL

scrapy genspider spiderman

Hence, we created a scrapy spider that crawls on the above-mentioned site.


Creating the spiders

To see the list of available tools in scrapy or for any help about it types the following command.


scrapy -h

If we want more description of any particular command then type the given command.


scrapy <command> -h


These are the list of command line tools used in scrapy

The list of commands with their applications are discussed below:


scrapy bench


scrapy check [options] <spider>


Scrapy check command


scrapy crawl spiderman


Spider crawling through the web page


scrapy -version

This command opens a new tab with the URL name of the HTML file where the specified URL’s data is kept,


scrapy view [url]    


Version checking 

Custom commands

Apart from all these default present command-line tools scrapy also provides the user a capability to create their own custom tools as explained below:

In the file we have an option to add custom tools under the heading named COMMANDS_MODULE. 

Syntax :

COMMAND_MODULES = ‘spiderman.commands’ 

The format is <project_name>.commands where commands are the folder which contains all the files. Let’s create one custom command. We are going to make a custom command which is used to crawl the spider.

Directory structure


from scrapy.commands import ScrapyCommand
class Command(ScrapyCommand):
    # requires the use of project
    requires_project = True
    # syntax for command
    def syntax(self):
        return '[options]'
    # description of command
    def short_desc(self):
        return 'Runs the spider using custom command'
    # the main running command
    def run(self, args, opts):
        # derieves to spider of scrapy project
        spider = self.crawler_process.spiders.list()
        # calls crawl command for that particular spider
        self.crawler_process.crawl(spider[0], **opts.__dict__)
        # starts the crawl

So under the file mention a header named COMMANDS_MODULE and add the name of the commands folder as shown: file


scrapy custom_command_file_name


Our custom command runs successfully

Hence, we saw how we can define a custom command and use it instead of using default commands too. We can also add commands to the library and import them in the section under file in scrapy.

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