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Sabre Interview Experience for SDE | On-Campus 2022

Sabre onsite recruiting drew a total of 160 students with a CGPA cut of 9, and 8 were further selected. There were four rounds to the procedure. Let’s discuss the experience and look at some pointers for each round.

Round 1(Online Test): This round is comprised of 45 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and two coding problems.  Time Given – 100mins, Platform – hire pro.

2 Programming questions were as follows


Round 2(Technical Interview): 

Time:  80mins. 

The interviewer started asking about my projects, Tech-stack, discussed how I implemented my projects for 10 mins. Then he wanted to discuss how I approached Coding questions in Online tests, how I can optimize my approach, what is the time complexity. Few of my friends were told to code down the optimized approach. Then a coding question was given in the chat, I was given 5 mins to read it, meanwhile, I was questioned on DBMS(indexing, why is normalization used) and OS(Scheduling Algorithm, Virtual Memory, difference between RAM and Virtual memory). Then I was straight away told to code the given question.

Question: Given a string consisting of char ‘a’ – ‘z’, space (‘ ‘), colon (‘:’), smiley (‘:)’), frowny (‘:(‘), and brackets ( ‘(‘ and ‘)’ ). A string is considered to balanced parenthesis if 

You need to print true if the string is balanced parenthesized else print false.

Round 3(Management Interview):

Time: 30mins

This round mostly focused on project and internship-related questions. The interviewer asked me to introduce myself as soon as the interview began. Then he asked me to go over two of my past internship projects in great detail. Then there are a few project-related questions. Also asked me behavioral questions, and also asked why to join Sabre in Covid time.

Round 4(HR interview)

Time: 25mins

This round was all about getting to know me as a person. Every question and response revolves around you. So this shouldn’t be too difficult. Just be open to learning and show curiosity in everything.

Tips: Just be confident and keep a positive interaction, try to show your strengths with examples. And regularly revise DSA questions.

Verdict : Selected

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