Open In App Internship Interview Experience (On-Campus) visited our campus, BITS Goa on 19 November 2021 for Summer Internship 2022.

Eligibility: All Computer Science students.
Criterion: No CGPA barrier. 

NOTE: Due to the ongoing pandemic, all the rounds were online.

Round 1(Assignment): The company has given an assignment depending on the role students applied for. I have applied for the role Python Developer. The assignment was given on 19/11/2021 and the deadline was 11:59 PM 21/11/2021.

Details about the assignment: The assignment had 8 questions in total. Questions 1, 2 and 3 were to classify and label the data given in a file “Utterances.txt” attached with the assignment. The task was to classify the utterances into intents, find meaningful entities and tag the utterances with the entities.

When I first saw the questions. I had two things going in my mind:

  1. Give up and carry on with my academics.
  2. Take it up as a challenge and do my best solving the question. (obviously went with this :D)

After I have done the classification and the data labeling, the harder part comes. In Question 4, I was asked to make a chatbot using a library called RASA in python. It took me one full day to explore and understand what RASA is, what it does and why is it used.

I have then trained the data using RASA and have created a model. I then tested this model by testing its ability to understand the statements I write into different intents that I have labeled in the previous questions and also by talking to it. I was extremely happy to see that I have built a chatbot on my own from scratch.

The questions 5, 6, 7, and 8 were simple problems which needed some basic knowledge on python in-built functions and data structures.  

Round 2(Technical Interview – 30/11/2021): The interviewer was extremely kind and polite. He was talking to me like a friend.

Round 3(HR Interview – 3/12/2021): The interviewer was very kind and friendly. 

Result: In the end, I got the offer as an intern in and my role being a Python Developer. I hope that this article was helpful. Please feel free to post your doubt in the comments, I will answer them gladly. 🙂

Important Topics and Subtopics to Remember:

1. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
2. Basic and intermediate knowledge of Python

Sources of Preparation:

  1. I have also referred to for the most asked interview questions and also to brush up my concepts in python.
  2. For any other doubts, implementations and code examples, I have referred to,,, and many other websites.
  3. I have asked my friends for their experiences and their insights on technical and HR interviews.

Any additional comments: It is usually the knowledge you gain from campus academics that is needed, but having knowledge from any other things like your hobbies, video games, literature, history, advanced machine learning, data science, artificial intelligence, web development, app development, game development, e-sports situation in India or anything is useful because the interviewer might be a person who is currently or previously who has followed these streams and that might give a good impression on you. These are some subtle things that could put you in a slight advantage over the other competitors.

Thank You!
All the best 😀

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