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Rural and Urban Settlements

Settlements are one of the most important needs for human beings after food. They construct houses to protect themselves from various natural phenomena or other man-made problems. It also helps them to enjoy the social life. “It is a most essential step to enjoy, this social life. It helps men to adapt themselves to their physical and cultural environment. Depending on economic activities, settlements can be divided into two categories.

A) Rural Settlements

1) Close Settlement

2) Semi-close settlements

3) Hamleted settlements

4) Dispersed settlements

Characteristics of Rural settlements

  1. Population density is very low. It is 31 to 40 villages per 100 sq. km in Assam, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, and less than 20 villages per 100 sq. km in Andhra Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, and some of the North-East part of India.
  2. The primary occupation of people of the rural settlement is agriculture. Farmers are also engaged in various other activities like fishing, animal husbandry, etc.
  3. Societies of the rural settlement are caste-based. Even their occupations depend on their caste.
  4. Social solidarity is maximum in rural communities com­pared to urban communities. The basis of unity in the villages are purposes, customs, common experiences, and traditions.
  5. The joint family system is another characteristic feature of rural settlements. It controls the behavior of the individual members of the family. In this system, the head of the family is generally, the father. He is responsible for maintaining discipline among members.

B) Urban settlements

1) Urban Village

2) Town

3. City 

4. Megalopolis

  1. Mumbai: 16.6 million
  2. Kolkata: 13.25 million
  3. Delhi: 12.80 million
  4. Chennai: 6.40 million

5. Conurbation

Characteristics of Urban settlements

  1. Here, the size of population density is very high. In fact, it is larger than the rural community.
  2. People from different classes, castes, ethnic groups are lived together. That means it is heterogeneous in nature.
  3. The life of urban people is dynamic and the rate of social mobility is very high.
  4. Life in the city is always busy. The life of the people (work and entertainment) in the urban community is regulated by the clock. The main charac­teristics of urban life are based on regularity, order, and punctuality.
  5. Most of the urban contacts are of secondary group and contacts are instrumental. That means, people use another person to fulfill their necessary purposes. People don’t need to interact with entire persons.
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