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Reentrancy Attack in Smart Contracts

Reentrancy attack in solidity repeatedly withdraws funds from the smart contract and transfers them. The article focuses on discussing Reentrancy Attacks in Smart Contracts. It occurs when a function makes an external call to another untrusted contract. The article focuses on discussing reentrancy attacks in smart contracts.

The following topics will be discussed here:

  1. What is a Reentrancy Attack?
  2. Example of Reentrancy Attack
  3. How Does Reentrancy Attack Work?
  4. Types of Reentrancy Attack
  5. Reentrancy Smart Contract Attack Examples
  6. Is the Reentrancy Attack Still a Significant Problem?
  7. How to Protect Smart Contracts Against a Reentrancy Attack?

Let’s start discussing each of these topics in detail.

What is a Reentrancy Attack?

Reentrancy is a type of attack that can occur in smart contracts that allow untrusted external code to be executed within the contract. This can happen when a smart contract calls an external contract, and the external contract then calls back into the original contract, potentially causing an infinite loop. A reentrancy attack is a method of exploiting a vulnerability in a smart contract that allows an attacker to repeatedly call a function in the contract, causing an infinite loop and potentially stealing funds.

Example of a Reentrancy Attack

The standard reentrancy attack is where an attacker repeatedly calls a function in a contract, causing an infinite loop and potentially stealing funds. A user interacts with the Vulnerable Smart Contract to deposit funds. 

How Does Reentrancy Attack Work?

Below is an example to explain the working of a reentrancy attack:


Below is an example of a simple smart contract that is vulnerable to reentrancy attacks:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.9.0; 
/// @title A contract for demonstrate payable functions and addresses
/// @author Jitendra Kumar
/// @notice For now, this contract just show how payable functions and addresses can receive ether into the contract
contract Reentrancy {
    mapping(address => uint) public balance;
    function deposit() public payable {
        balance[msg.sender] += msg.value;
    function withdraw() public payable {
        require(balance[msg.sender] >= msg.value);
        balance[msg.sender] -= msg.value;

Explanation: In this contract, the deposit function allows users to deposit funds into their account and the withdraw function allows users to withdraw their deposited funds. However, the contract does not properly check for reentrancy, so an attacker could create a malicious contract that repeatedly calls the deposit function before calling the withdraw function, effectively stealing funds from the contract.

Below is an example of how the contract can be modified to prevent reentrancy attacks:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.9.0; 
/// @title A contract for demonstrate Reentrancy Attack
/// @author Jitendra Kumar
/// @notice For now, this contract just show how to protect Smart Contracts against a Reentrancy Attack
contract Reentrancy {
    mapping(address => uint) public balance;
    bool public reentrancyLock;
    function deposit() public payable {
        reentrancyLock = true;
        balance[msg.sender] += msg.value;
        reentrancyLock = false;
    function withdraw() public payable{
        require(balance[msg.sender] >= msg.value);
        balance[msg.sender] -= msg.value;

Explanation: In this example, a reentrancyLock variable is added to the contract. The deposit function now checks if the reentrancyLock variable is true before allowing the deposit to occur. If the variable is true, the deposit will not occur and the attacker will not be able to steal funds. The reentrancyLock variable is set to true before the deposit and set back to false after, this way the contract can only be called once at a time.
It’s important to note that this is a simplified example and in real-world scenarios, contracts should be audited by experts and tested extensively to ensure they are secure.

Types of Reentrancy Attack

There are several types of reentrancy attacks, including:

All these types of attacks can be prevented by using different techniques like mutex or guard condition as I mentioned earlier.

Reentrancy Smart Contract Attacks Examples

Is the Reentrancy Attack Still a Significant Problem?

Reentrancy attacks are still a significant problem in the smart contract ecosystem. Though many smart contract platforms and development frameworks have built-in protections against reentrancy, it still remains an ongoing threat to smart contract security. As new smart contracts and decentralized applications are developed, it’s important for developers to thoroughly test and audit their contracts to ensure they are protected against reentrancy attacks.

How to Protect Smart Contracts Against a Reentrancy Attack?


In conclusion, reentrancy attacks have been a critical issue in smart contract development, as they can lead to loss of funds, compromise the integrity of smart contracts, and cause systemic failures. Therefore, it’s important to be aware of the potential vulnerabilities and take steps to prevent them, such as using the techniques I mentioned before, such as a mutex or guard condition.

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