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Recover in Golang

Just like try/catch block in exception in languages like Java, C#, etc. are used to catch exception similarly in Go language, recover function is used to handle panic. It is an inbuilt function which is defined under the builtin package of the Go language. The main use of this function is to regain control of a panicking Goroutine. Or in other words, it handles the panicking behavior of the Goroutine.


func recover() interface{}

Important Points:

Example 1:

// Go program which illustrates
// the concept of recover
package main
import "fmt"
// This function is created to handle
// the panic occurs in entry function
// but it does not handle the panic 
// occurred in the entry function
// because it called in the normal
// function
func handlepanic() {
    if a := recover(); a != nil {
        fmt.Println("RECOVER", a)
// Function
func entry(lang *string, aname *string) {
    // Normal function
    // When the value of lang
    // is nil it will panic
    if lang == nil {
        panic("Error: Language cannot be nil")
    // When the value of aname
    // is nil it will panic
    if aname == nil {
        panic("Error: Author name cannot be nil")
    fmt.Printf("Author Language: %s \n Author Name: %s\n", *lang, *aname)
    fmt.Printf("Return successfully from the entry function")
// Main function
func main() {
    A_lang := "GO Language"
    entry(&A_lang, nil)
    fmt.Printf("Return successfully from the main function")


panic: Error: Author name cannot be nil

goroutine 1 [running]:
main.entry(0x41a788, 0x0)
    /tmp/sandbox777592252/prog.go:35 +0x180
    /tmp/sandbox777592252/prog.go:46 +0x40

Example 2:

// Go program which illustrates
// the concept of recover
package main
import (
// This function handles the panic
// occur in entry function
// with the help of the recover function
func handlepanic() {
    if a := recover(); a != nil {
        fmt.Println("RECOVER", a)
// Function
func entry(lang *string, aname *string) {
    // Deferred function
    defer handlepanic()
    // When the value of lang
    // is nil it will panic
    if lang == nil {
        panic("Error: Language cannot be nil")
    // When the value of aname
    // is nil it will panic
    if aname == nil {
        panic("Error: Author name cannot be nil")
    fmt.Printf("Author Language: %s \n Author Name: %s\n", *lang, *aname)
    fmt.Printf("Return successfully from the entry function")
// Main function
func main() {
    A_lang := "GO Language"
    entry(&A_lang, nil)
    fmt.Printf("Return successfully from the main function")


RECOVER Error: Author name cannot be nil
Return successfully from the main function

Example 3:

// Go program which illustrates
// recover in a goroutine
package main
import (
// For recovery
func handlepanic() {
    if a := recover(); a != nil {
        fmt.Println("RECOVER", a)
/* Here, this panic is not 
   handled by the recover 
   function because of the 
   recover function is not 
   called in the same 
   goroutine in which the 
   panic occurs */
// Function 1
func myfun1() {
    defer handlepanic()
    fmt.Println("Welcome to Function 1")
    go myfun2()
    time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
// Function 2
func myfun2() {
    fmt.Println("Welcome to Function 2")
// Main function
func main() {
    fmt.Println("Return successfully from the main function")


Welcome to Function 1
Welcome to Function 2
panic: Panicked!!

goroutine 6 [running]:
    /tmp/sandbox157568972/prog.go:31 +0xa0
created by main.myfun1
    /tmp/sandbox157568972/prog.go:24 +0xc0

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