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ReactJS Calculator App (Adding Functionality)

Now, we had built the structure of our UI, but we haven’t added styles to it either we have added any functionality. So, in this article, we will try to make our Calculator app fully functional. Once our app becomes functional, we will add CSS to style the App. 

So, let’s begin. The very first functionality we will add it for the click event of the buttons. To handle the click events, we will create a new function named handleClick and will add this function to our Calculator component class. But, the next thing to observe is that the buttons from “0-9” and operators like “+,-,*,/” will have different roles and other buttons like “=”, “Clear” and “Delete” have different roles. So, what we can do is inside the handleClick function we will use a statement to perform different operations on clicking different buttons. 

We need to create two states for our Calculator application and update these two states according to the user inputs. 


Add the below code at the top of the class Calculator in the file calculator.js. This code will create the required states for us: 

constructor() {
    // set our default state
    this.state = {
      question: '',
      answer: ''
    // Bind our handleClick method (sets 'this' explicitly
    // to refer to this component) We did this because 'this'
    // would refer to the source of the click events
    this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);

// our method to handle all click events from our buttons
function handleClick(event) {
    // get the value from the target element (button)
    const value =;
    switch (value) {
        case "=": {
            // if it's an equal sign, use the eval module
            // to evaluate the question ,convert the answer
            // (in number) to String
            if (this.state.question !== "") {
                var ans = "";
                try {
                    ans = eval(this.state.question);
                } catch (err) {
                    this.setState({ answer: "Math Error" });
                if (ans === undefined) this.setState({ answer: "Math Error" });
                // update answer in our state.
                else this.setState({ answer: ans, question: "" });
        case "Clear": {
            // if it's the Clears sign, just clean our
            // question and answer in the state
            this.setState({ question: "", answer: "" });
        case "Delete": {
            var str = this.state.question;
            str = str.substr(0, str.length - 1);
            this.setState({ question: str });
        default: {
            // for every other command, update the answer in the state
            this.setState({ question: (this.state.question += value) });

handleClick = {this.handleClick}
onClick = {props.handleClick}

// Import React (Mandatory Step).
import React from "react";
// Import Output Screen Row.
import OutputScreenRow from "./outputScreenRow.js";
// Functional Component.
// Use to hold two Screen Rows.
const OutputScreen = (props) => {
    return (
        <div className="screen">
            <OutputScreenRow value={props.question} />
            <OutputScreenRow value={props.answer} />
// Export Output Screen.
export default OutputScreen;

Below is our final outputscreenrow.js file: 

// Import React (Mandatory Step).
import React from "react";
// Functional Component.
// Used to show Question/Answer.
const OutputScreenRow = (props) => {
    return (
        <div className="screen-row">
            <input type="text" readOnly value={props.value} />
// Export Output Screen Row.
export default OutputScreenRow;

Output: You can see in the below image that our Calculator App is working fine and has the same functionality as what we saw in our first article.

ReactJS Calculator App ( Styling )

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