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Zoom Functionality in ElectronJS

ElectronJS is an Open Source Framework used for building Cross-Platform native desktop applications using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript which are capable of running on Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems. It combines the Chromium engine and NodeJS into a Single Runtime.

All traditional web Browsers have Zoom functionality built into them. The user can simply zoom in/zoom out to increase/decrease the size of the contents of the web page respectively by scrolling the mouse wheel. By default, Electron does not enable Zoom functionality for its BrowserWindow Instances. However, Electron does provide a way by which we can add Zoom functionality to the contents of the page using the Instance methods, events, and properties of the built-in BrowserWindow object and the webContents property. The webContents property provides us with certain Instance events and methods by which we can set the default zoom of the web page, the maximum and minimum zoom of the web page and zoom in/zoom the contents of the web page using the mouse scroll. This tutorial will demonstrate Zoom functionality in Electron.

We assume that you are familiar with the prerequisites as covered in the above-mentioned link. For Electron to work, node and npm need to be pre-installed in the system.

Example: Follow the Steps given in Printing in ElectronJS to setup the basic Electron Application. Copy the Boilerplate code for the main.js file and the index.html file as provided in the article. Also perform the necessary changes mentioned for the package.json file to launch the Electron Application. We will continue building our application using the same code base. The basic steps required to setup the Electron application remain the same. 

  "name": "electron-zoom",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "Zoom in Electron",
  "main": "main.js",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "electron ."
  "keywords": [
  "author": "Radhesh Khanna",
  "license": "ISC",
  "dependencies": {
    "electron": "^8.3.0"

Output: At this point, our basic Electron Application is set up. Upon launching the application, we should see the following Output: 

Zoom Functionality in Electron: The BrowserWindow Instance and webContents Property are part of the Main Process. To import and use BrowserWindow in the Renderer Process, we will be using Electron remote module.

<h3>Zoom in Electron</h3>
<div>Ctrl+Scroll for Triggering Zoom Functionality</div>

const electron = require("electron");
// Import BrowserWindow using Electron remote
const BrowserWindow = electron.remote.BrowserWindow;
let win = BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow();
// let win = BrowserWindow.getAllWindows()[0];
// If reduced below Minimum value
// Error - 'zoomFactor' must be a double greater than 0.0
// Upper Limit is working of 500 %
    .setVisualZoomLevelLimits(1, 5)
    .then(console.log("Zoom Levels Have been Set between 100% and 500%"))
    .catch((err) => console.log(err));
win.webContents.on("zoom-changed", (event, zoomDirection) => {
    var currentZoom = win.webContents.getZoomFactor();
    console.log("Current Zoom Factor - ", currentZoom);
    // console.log('Current Zoom Level at - '
    // , win.webContents.getZoomLevel());
    console.log("Current Zoom Level at - ", win.webContents.zoomLevel);
    if (zoomDirection === "in") {
        // win.webContents.setZoomFactor(currentZoom + 0.20);
        win.webContents.zoomFactor = currentZoom + 0.2;
        console.log("Zoom Factor Increased to - "
                    , win.webContents.zoomFactor * 100, "%");
    if (zoomDirection === "out") {
        // win.webContents.setZoomFactor(currentZoom - 0.20);
        win.webContents.zoomFactor = currentZoom - 0.2;
        console.log("Zoom Factor Decreased to - "
                    , win.webContents.zoomFactor * 100, "%");

A detailed Explanation of all the Instance Events, Methods, and Properties used in the code are given below: 

To get the current BrowserWindow Instance in the Renderer Process, we can use some of the Static Methods provided by the BrowserWindow object. 

At this point, we should successfully be able to Zoom-In and Zoom-Out of the contents of the BrowserWindow in Electron. 

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